Why do people entertain idiots like Rizza Islam? Aries Spears tried to do so and it was a shyt show


May 15, 2014
A lot of half truths, statistic stuntman antics and false equivalencies but at the core I agree that people in general should be more responsible with their health. The vaccine is not a cure and best believe it won't save you if you keep flooding your body with fructose, processed foods, unhealthy fats,don't work out and eat way more than necessary to function. Small steps to a healthier life style will reap more benefits than pharmaceuticals in the long run.

Double Burger With Cheese

May 6, 2012
That’s a long ass video. But I can tell no one watched it. I actually watched this yesterday because my boy sent me this to check out. And I didn’t even know my boy knew who Rizza Islam was lol. So I was a little surprised that it was him in the vid. So I only checked this shyt out cause my homeboy sent it to me. Otherwise it’s almost 2 hours and I generally don’t be checking for Airie Spears or Rizza Islam.

So I checked it out and it was a dope ass video. It was a platform for Rizza to get his message out, but not like y’all assuming. Aries Spears and his host were playing devils advocates asking counter questions to Rizza points.

For instance, it was one part where Aries brought up that a lot of black peoples worked on these vaccines. And his question to Rizza was, these black doctors have come out and said the shyt is good and safe, so you think you know more than the doctors :what: And Rizza was like :manny: but he had an articulate response and a counter back lol. Point is this was more of a non biased debate with Aries and his co host asking all the question for the “pro vax” community and Rizza representing the other side.


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
A lot of half truths, statistic stuntman antics and false equivalencies but at the core I agree that people in general should be more responsible with their health. The vaccine is not a cure and best believe it won't save you if you keep flooding your body with fructose, processed foods, unhealthy fats,don't work out and eat way more than necessary to function. Small steps to a healthier life style will reap more benefits than pharmaceuticals in the long run.
Half of the population is obese..eating healthy RIGHT now is not going to save them from delta variant next few months ..a bit too late

Vaccine their best option


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
That’s a long ass video. But I can tell no one watched it. I actually watched this yesterday because my boy sent me this to check out. And I didn’t even know my boy knew who Rizza Islam was lol. So I was a little surprised that it was him in the vid. So I only checked this shyt out cause my homeboy sent it to me. Otherwise it’s almost 2 hours and I generally don’t be checking for Airie Spears or Rizza Islam.

So I checked it out and it was a dope ass video. It was a platform for Rizza to get his message out, but not like y’all assuming. Aries Spears and his host were playing devils advocates asking counter questions to Rizza points.

For instance, it was one part where Aries brought up that a lot of black peoples worked on these vaccines. And his question to Rizza was, these black doctors have come out and said the shyt is good and safe, so you think you know more than the doctors :what: And Rizza was like :manny: but he an articulate response lol. Point is this was more of a non biased debate with Aries and his co host asking all the question for the “pro vax” community and Rizza representing the other side.
Rizza response was that those "black doctors" were brainwashed by big pharma

The standard maga talking pts


Double Burger With Cheese

May 6, 2012
Rizza response was that those "black doctors" were brainwashed by big pharma

The standard maga talking pts


Yeah pretty much, he was speaking on how they’ve been indoctrinated. But one interesting thing was that he said he knows a few personally and done had these conversations with them in private.

But that’s my whole point, Rizza is articulate as hell. No one can take that away from him. Now wether you agree is a totally different story. I already know most people in here assuming this was a 2 hour conspiracy fest and I’m just letting people know it was not like that at all and Aries spears made it his main point to play devils advocate and challenge things Rizza said. I don’t have no agenda or align myself with no side. That shyt silly to me. So I’m just looking at it for a neutral perspective and I think it was a good video as far as hearing both sides stances


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
A lot of half truths, statistic stuntman antics and false equivalencies but at the core I agree that people in general should be more responsible with their health. The vaccine is not a cure and best believe it won't save you if you keep flooding your body with fructose, processed foods, unhealthy fats,don't work out and eat way more than necessary to function. Small steps to a healthier life style will reap more benefits than pharmaceuticals in the long run.
this last part is untrue.

You can do EVERYTHING, but diet alone is not going to STOP an upper respiratory infection of a novel coronavirus. Its just not. You should be healthy as possible at all times. But that has nothing to do with improving the chances of your immune system. Healthy people are dropping out here.

Whats wild to me is NONE of these guys indicate what an "improved immune system" is. Do they even know what the immune system is? How it works? Its components? I dare them to name 5 cell types of the immune system. They CANT! They dont know the difference between different types of wound healing.

Do we study your status at baseline? What biomarkers? What targets are we assessing? Are we looking at metabolites? Are we drawing blood? How do you want to show us you've boosted your immune system?


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
That’s a long ass video. But I can tell no one watched it. I actually watched this yesterday because my boy sent me this to check out. And I didn’t even know my boy knew who Rizza Islam was lol. So I was a little surprised that it was him in the vid. So I only checked this shyt out cause my homeboy sent it to me. Otherwise it’s almost 2 hours and I generally don’t be checking for Airie Spears or Rizza Islam.

So I checked it out and it was a dope ass video. It was a platform for Rizza to get his message out, but not like y’all assuming. Aries Spears and his host were playing devils advocates asking counter questions to Rizza points.

For instance, it was one part where Aries brought up that a lot of black peoples worked on these vaccines. And his question to Rizza was, these black doctors have come out and said the shyt is good and safe, so you think you know more than the doctors :what: And Rizza was like :manny: but he had an articulate response and a counter back lol. Point is this was more of a non biased debate with Aries and his co host asking all the question for the “pro vax” community and Rizza representing the other side.
i watched it at 1.75x speed

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
Yeah pretty much, he was speaking on how they’ve been indoctrinated. But one interesting thing was that he said he knows a few personally and done had these conversations with them in private.

But that’s my whole point, Rizza is articulate as hell. No one can take that away from him. Now wether you agree is a totally different story. I already know most people in here assuming this was a 2 hour conspiracy fest and I’m just letting people know it was not like that at all and Aries spears made it his main point to play devils advocate and challenge things Rizza said. I don’t have no agenda or align myself with no side. That shyt silly to me. So I’m just looking at it for a neutral perspective and I think it was a good video as far as hearing both sides stances

Most con artists are articulate and rely on people's ignorance to the subject they are speaking on :yeshrug:

For the segment your talking about Aries asked rizza what Thier reason would be to lie and rizza's response was because they've been indoctrinated by western medicine and then compared them to the black health care workers who worked within the Tuskegee experiment. That's a bit of a leading statement, don't you think?

He probably doesn't know who Kezzmekia Corbett is because if he did his pejorative statement about how she doesn't "control the script" (which is a conspiratorial choice of words) would sound silly since she has a ton of published papers on coronaviruses and was the lead developer for the Moderna vaccine.

Double Burger With Cheese

May 6, 2012
Most con artists are articulate and rely on people's ignorance to the subject they are speaking on :yeshrug:

For the segment your talking about Aries asked rizza what Thier reason would be to lie and rizza's response was because they've been indoctrinated by western medicine and then compared them to the black health care workers who worked within the Tuskegee experiment. That's a bit of a leading statement, don't you think?

He probably doesn't know who Kezzmekia Corbett is because if he did his pejorative statement about how she doesn't "control the script" (which is a conspiratorial choice of words) would sound silly since she has a ton of published papers on coronaviruses and was the lead developer for the Moderna vaccine.

You guys keep missing the point of my post, which was this was a balanced video and not some conspiracy fest where Rizza Islam was able to say what he wanted unchecked. This whole thread full of people making assumptions about a video they didn’t watch. It has nothing to do with wether you think Rizza Islam is a clown or not and everything to do with, mothafukkas love to assume without knowing. I’m letting people know how the actual video went since it’s almost 2 hours and most not gonna look.

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
this last part is untrue.

You can do EVERYTHING, but diet alone is not going to STOP an upper respiratory infection of a novel coronavirus. Its just not. You should be healthy as possible at all times. But that has nothing to do with improving the chances of your immune system. Healthy people are dropping out here.

Whats wild to me is NONE of these guys indicate what an "improved immune system" is. Do they even know what the immune system is? How it works? Its components? I dare them to name 5 cell types of the immune system. They CANT! They dont know the difference between different types of wound healing.

Do we study your status at baseline? What biomarkers? What targets are we assessing? Are we looking at metabolites? Are we drawing blood? How do you want to show us you've boosted your immune system?

Good post


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Most con artists are articulate and rely on people's ignorance to the subject they are speaking on :yeshrug:

For the segment your talking about Aries asked rizza what Thier reason would be to lie and rizza's response was because they've been indoctrinated by western medicine and then compared them to the black health care workers who worked within the Tuskegee experiment. That's a bit of a leading statement, don't you think?

He probably doesn't know who Kezzmekia Corbett is because if he did his pejorative statement about how she doesn't "control the script" (which is a conspiratorial choice of words) would sound silly since she has a ton of published papers on coronaviruses and was the lead developer for the Moderna vaccine.
Rizza Islam literally doesn't know what he's talking about. A scam artist is at least complicit in actually lying. I legit think he doesn't even know what he's wrong about.

I know MORE examples of racist medical exploitation than he does. But Ive also taken more graduate level math and science courses than he has. I literally know more about how this works than he does. He functionally doesn't know what he's talking about.


May 1, 2012
I’m all outta the loop

I don’t even know who this nikka is. I saw the name and thought it was a rapper