Why do old heads hate on Lil B / RiFF RaFF?

Hussein Fonzarelli

The Whitey Corp.
Jun 1, 2012
Hahaha at you romantic schmucks clinging to hip-hop as if it breastfed your ugly asses...
Actin as if you aint aware that every single rapper in past 20 years can be replicated because they all fall under couple of very ridiculous and obvious patterns/blueprints

You see one you seen em all. They all act the same, dress the same, talk about same shyt...

Its one of the most brainwashed, uniformed, "follow the lead, we wont let you be different even the slightest" subgenres ever made.

You can break down rappers easy.

you have your musty broke "im on a come up doe" rappers you feel ashamed just looking...

then you got those "im so chill im so relaxed im so not typical" hipster idiots, they never take the generic "LIL" or "YOUNG" bullshyt rap name, they pick something more hipstery and ironic, such as their own full name or some made up first name last name

Then you got the "I dont want to make money" rappers, who make money but constantly portray grimey image to appease their sheep fans.

The only thing that differentiates these clowns and idiots are beatmakers.

Thanks to hip-hop beats Ive learned some great music (for example Ive never would listen to Dexter Wansel if there wasnt for Justice League) and it expansed my musical tastes, and thats AWESOME.

But rappers? Hahahhaha.....fukkin clowns.