Filthy McNasty
Jamie Fox won't be relevant again unless they make a sequel to "Ray".
I'm curious. If the powers that be of hollywood, such as magazines, tv shows, blogs, etc....put out a list of the top 20 best actors and actresses of 2013.
U nikkas tryin to tell me hollywood is gonna put Jamie Foxx above will smith?![]()
Yes. Look at the track record.
Jamie: Critical Acclaim
Willard: Can only play a action hero or a goof
Than why is Jamie still getting hand me down roles from Will?
Any studio would pick Will over Jamie...but u nikkas tryin to say Jamie is ranked higher.![]()
LOL @ Jamie being on Will's Level. Jamie doesn't even sell movies. He didn't even sell Django and he was suppose to be the Lead. He's not even selling White House Down, Channing is the Lead. Will is the LEAD in all his main movies cause people go to see WILL. Jamie got an Oscar cause the stars aligned for him. Let's not act like Jamie has such a great movie catalog. Denzel is light years better than both of them as an actor but Will is better than Jamie.
Will Movie Catalog >>>>>>>>> Jamie
Fresh Prince of Bel Air >>>>>> Jamie Foxx Show
Fresh Prince and Jazzy Jeff >>>>>> Jamie as a singer
The only thing I will give Jamie is he's obviously a better comedian and that he was on "In Living Color". Also LOL @ the dude that said "Jamie Critical Acclaim" People obviously haven't looked at Jamie's film catalog. He has about 3 critical movies the rest were flops. Like I said, Will Sells the movies he's in. Jamie, not so much.
Jamie Foxx - 1 oscar, 1 academy nom
Denzel Washington 2 oscars, 2 + academy nom
But nikkas still talk about Will Smith as if he is on that level. Will Smith makes money and that's it. That's nice but he's one dimensional and it will hurt him.
Will Smith = Wesley Snipes from 1990-2000