1. You are not black.
2. When did Arabs ever enslave me? I am from the Horn of Africa, I know the history of my people. My ancestors we're never at any point enslaved by Arabs, and neither we're the vast majority of Muslims, who actually accepted Islam by choice conversions. See the history of Indonesia.
1. I am black deal with it
hilarious, I actually chuckled. wow, good luck white washing your religions history there's a lot of blood.
1. Some peoples blackness come into question because their mentality is fukked up to the point that they come off as crazy cac.
2. There is a reason that Alex, in ROOTS made the main character Kunta Kinta's religion Islam. Of course any pro black person knows the entire history of slavery, from African, to crakers, to arabs. But choice conversions are well documented in Africa and Asia. Most Muslims are Islamic by choice. As a matter of fact those that hold most true to their religion are those in free nations like the US (which is y you find brothers defending their choice so hard). Alex haley, made Kunta a Muslim.... to show that the practice of Islam isn't dangerous, but is helpful to the Black man if practiced correctly. White people hated Muslim Africans More than any type of African - for obvious reasons. When you Black and you're Muslim.. you're not taking sh1t from anyone.. which is why some of our most revolutionary people have affiliations with this faith... some of the black panthers, Malcolm X, Assata Shukur, damn near any one else worth mentioning... were at least friendly to Islam.
3. We Love to pretend that the Africans were just some ignorant lost people who took on anything that anyone gave them. That's just not true.
For all of you who say... look how the Arab brainwashed the African with Islam through slavery.. you are wrong as fukk. A) Most conversions were be choice... choice was a huge thing with the early Muslims... they knew that real faith only could come by choosing it. B) Much of the culture we hate in the Middle East comes from Africa. For example, the way they are towards women.... trade routes from Africa influenced that to the Early Muslims... not the other way around. C) African had slaves.... many of the times when Muslims bought African slaves... if the slave converted they got to eat and live like the Master... or they were freed due because freeing slaves was a popular thing with the Arab Muslims.
D) some people have diaries n sh1t written by White slave masters.
Some of the Africans brought to America were Muslims.... They always stood out. Islam is one of the most culturally diverse belief systems, it teaches you to encourage the righteousness of your people, and to have respect for yourself. The African Muslims were the least likely to become "c00ns". They stood out for their resistance to being turned into Mule and livestock.
In Roots or movies like Amistad... the people revolting or not taking the CACerism... are 100% always Muslims... because this is reflected in history. This is also reflected in Modern times... we would still be begging white people to put cigarettes out on our children's bottom lips if it were not for revolutionary black Muslims... so let just get reality for a second here.
Obviously because most of us are from West Africa.... our identities are deeply there and Islam was there during the time our people were brought here. While slaves from non Islamic areas were the first to flip to other traditions... Muslim slaves were either praying 5 times on slave ships or getting whipped for being rebellious.
In the US Muslims are the most diverse group.. More diverse than atheist, Christians, Buddhist.. etc. Most are middle class and well educated. Many are immigrants, some are converts. Most aren't the way you internet generalizers make them out to be.
Islam isnt a black man's religion.. it's a religion for humanity. You don't have to be a Muslim to be down with black causes, but you don't have to hate on it either.