Its already been explained but the label fukked him over because he wouldn’t sign a 360. Lyor Cohen came to his hotel room while he was super sick with Meningitis and tried to strong arm him into signing a 360, which royally pissed Lupe off. Lupe told Lyor that in exchange for renegotiating his contract he wanted his Masters and Lyor refused and was an a$$hole about it. After that Lyor basically told him he was on the shelf.
The label also wanted him to record to pre-made “hit”’songs, which Lupe refused to do because he got no publishing off those songs. If you listen to his version of Nothing On You and Airplanes on YouTube he literally sounds miserable.
The label also wouldn’t let him record lupEND as a triple album, which would have ended his contractual obligations to them.
Even after the infamous hacking group Anonymous threatened to leak Atlantic’s entire infrastructure and the fans protested outside of Atlantic's offices, Atlantic would only release Lasers if Lupe included Show Goes On and Never Forget You, two prepackaged songs he would receive no publishing from. Thats why he dissed the album when it came out. Atlantic also refused to promote I’m Beaming which Lupe spent $150K on and Shining Down (They also lowkey tried to blackball Matthew Santos, who never wanted to be a pop star in the first place)
Couple all of this with 1st & 15th going through ALOT of drama and strife because of Chilly going to prison and Lupe not having the bandwith to be a label head and basically letting all the artists go. Lupe choosing to diss Obama at a time when black people dissing Obama was HEAVILY frowned upon and Lupe basically saying “fukk the industry” and going left and thats why his mainstream career was cut short.
If you piece together through Lupe’s interviews during the time of Lasers-Drogas Light Lupe just didn’t care anymore. Fighting Atlantic took a LOT out of him and he didn’t like the industry nor what was required of him to be a star in the industry. His only motivation for rapping was becoming the best lyricist he could be. He didn’t want to make hit songs which is why after Battle Scars from F&L2 he never tried. He didn’t collab with any big artists. And after his contract was blessedly up he went STRAIGHT indie.
I don’t think Lupe regrets the path he ended up taking. He got to experience all the trappings of fame as a “backpack” rapper (though he was far from it) sold millions of records. Won a Grammy. Was on the cover of GQ magazine. Has one bonafide classic album and another debatable one. Has the ultimate respect of his heroes Nas and Jay-Z. Didn’t conform. Told the label to kiss his ass. And can still tour to this day off of his catalogue. He went from being blackballed to being a professor at MIT. Thats nothing to sneeze at.
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