Why Can't Gang Bangers Get It Through Their Head, That They Are Doing The Job Of White Supremacists


Jun 4, 2012
"dissing"? Its called calling out retardation breh. Nikkas are being used and they don't even know it........Get smart brehs?
:yeshrug: Some men diss and "call out" blacks...
And some understand and try to educate blacks:yeshrug:


Jul 19, 2014
that's because of your limited definition of survival, if kids with solid GPA's are abandoning school in favor of feeling like they belong to something, that speaks volumes about their self worth, I know kids like this too, and after having open discussions with some of them, it's evident that acceptance is something many of them need for survival.

choosing to be in a gang just to be a part of something is also choosing to be in a gang because you feel like you're a part of nothing.
My point is that we can't keep making excuses. I'm tired of it. We need to enlighten them and help them understand white supremacy. I already know that the conditions are set for them to fail. And once again, as someone who did some bangin, loss friends to bangin' and to this day know people who bang, and I watch kids go from preteens who play ball, to crips who smoke trees all day, it's not,for survival. They are just misinformed. Gotta understand when you grow up in the hood, there's a lot that comes with that. I can't remember a time in my life where I could just focus on school. So many distractions and so many detours,available. You go from being 12 years old and playing with your friends, to watching the statistics get to work on them, and they end up dead or in jail Or with babies they cant afford. There's so much room for disaster I'm the hood. Especially when you're young because your mind is still figuring everything out. When I was bangin, I didn't do it because I felt like I was a part of nothing, I did it because my friends were doing it and I was a follower, which is the case for a lot of kids. The solution, is to get them to buy into success. Let them know that there's a world out there that's there to be taken.

We don't grow up with family vacations, or boat trips. We don't grow up knowing there's a world out there, or with our parents having enough disposable income to take a trip somewhere. you'd be surprised at how many nikkas In the hood are just unaware to the world, those early years are Important to our mental health. We grow up seeing the same streets. The same fukked up racist cops. Our parents mad at us all of the time like we asked to be here, The same blocks, the same trains, the same addicts, the same piss and Dutch guts In the hallway, losing friends to gang life,or guns, FOR YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS. Until you say fukk THIS shyt and either get involved with the bangin and dealin' or make a plan and get out. I chose the latter. And we need more young black kids to choose the latter.

It's as simple as that.


Dec 11, 2012
that's how it is in all the Black neighborhoods across the country that have gangs, where can I tell these young men to go get a job at that's more lucrative than robbing?

The concept of fast money is what they get accustomed to..

They don't understand budgeting for 2 weeks.

But they don't even teach financial literacy in the school..:snoop:

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
The U.S. military is the biggest gang in the world:francis:

Are you telling black members in the military who have the OPTION of not joining that they are doing the same thing?

Lets make a thread on that:patrice:

nikkas are born behind the 8ball already..Im a square but im sympathetic to the struggle...

Cats who don't know better wont do better...The hood has suffered thru at least 2 generations of by design sabotage....How can you not be sympathetic to that:dwillhuh:

What resources are available to these nikkas to actually make them well rounded adults?
goverment assistance, public education public libraries, public transportation etc. I got a library card in my wallet for a township I aint never lived in my life the excuses is bullshyt to me fam and I started out in in section 8

There's people who come into this country peniless, unable to speak the language of the majority of the residents and manage to find a lane and raise families. People float to this country without two sticks to rub together knowing full well they aint playing fair, but come anyway for the OPPORTUNITY. There's no excuse. they are brainwashed into their "hopelessness"

you don't need to be well rounded to get the ground work moving on a middle class+ lifestyle. Just need a little bit of vision. The problem is these africans don't wanna be middle class or climb the ladder rung by rung. They wanna fukk bytches RIGHT NOW and wanna be like the rappers on tv and the dudes who shyttin on them in the club.
As long as

Education is free and unless you live in detriot the schooling is capable of letting you "make it out" :camby:

and if you do live in detriot you need to leave :pachaha:

who's gonna feed these kids and nurture them while they're getting an education, their healthy two parent home environment in the innercity?

I know a 15 year, who's very smart, he's a gang member and sells drugs because his single mother needs help keeping bills paid, he got caught with drugs a few months back and has been in jail ever since, I couldn't offer him any alternatives, I couldn't tell him to go read books or get a job, he is the man of his household at 15, no book can immediately get him out of that.

Neither could sellin drugs and gang banging even without the risks attached. couldn't have been that smart to not realize that

He's 15, he has an abundance of one of the most powerful resources of all (TIME). You could tell him damn near anything and it would be a better look than what he is now. You could save his life instead of pitying him and giving that bullshyt a pass


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
My point is that we can't keep making excuses. I'm tired of it. I already know that the conditions are set for them to fail. And once again, as someone who did some bangin, loss friends to bangin' and ot this day know people who bang, and I watch kids go from preteens who play ball, to crips who smoke trees all day, it's not,for survival. They are just misinformed. Gotta understand when you grow up in the hood, there's a lot that comes with that. I can't remember a time in my life where I could just focus on school. So many distractions and so many detours,available. You go from being 12 years old and playing with your friends, to watching the statistics get to work on them, and they end up dead or in jail. There's so much room for disaster I'm the hood. Especially when you're young because your mind is still figuring everything out. When I was bangin, I didn't do it because I felt like I was a part of nothing, I did it because my friends were doing it and I was a follower, which is the case for a lot of kids. The solution, is to get them to buy into success. Let them know that there's a world out there that's there to be taken.

We don't grow up with family vacations, or boat trips. We don't grow up knowing there's a world out there, or with our parents having enough disposable income to take a trip somewhere. We grow up seeing the same streets. The same fukked up racist cops. Our parents mad at us all of the time like we asked to be here, The same blocks, the same trains, the same addicts, the same piss and Dutch guts In the hallway, losing friends to gang life,or guns, FOR YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS. Until you say fukk THIS shyt and either get involved with the bangin and dealin' or make a plan and get out. I chose the latter.

It's as simple as that.

if it was as simple as saying "fukk this", the entire world would look much different than it does now.

you made a plan, I commend you, we can look at the real world and see how few in the hood are doing the same, this isn't about making excuses, it's about telling the truth, if these kids are doing it to be down, it's because they feel like they need to be down, that's a reality, not an excuse, we can call it stupid or dumb but it doesn't change the reality that these kids want to be a part of something and the gangs are welcoming them with open arms into the family that they desire acceptance from.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
He's 15, he has an abundance of one of the most powerful resources of all (TIME). You could tell him damn near anything and it would be a better look than what he is now. You could save his life instead of pitying him and giving that bullshyt a pass

he has time but bills need to be paid now, he doesn't have the luxury of waiting around. give me an example of something I can tell a 15 y/o who's mother depends on him to supplement her income.

I didn't give him a pass at all, but I also couldn't offer him any tangible solutions either.


Jul 19, 2014
if it was as simple as saying "fukk this", the entire world would look much different than it does now.

you made a plan, I commend you, we can look at the real world and see how few in the hood are doing the same, this isn't about making excuses, it's about telling the truth, if these kids are doing it to be down, it's because they feel like they need to be down, that's a reality, not an excuse, we can call it stupid or dumb but it doesn't change the reality that these kids want to be a part of something and the gangs are welcoming them with open arms into the family that they desire acceptance from.
Not literally saying "fukk this" breh :aicmon:

I mean that as in weighing your options and analyzing your future. A lot of these kids do shyt on impulse, they don't know about statistics or the conditions that are set for them, and schools do a shytty job by teaching them things that don't really matter. If more hood kids KNEW the statistics, knew that they're supposed to have kids, and knew that they were supposed to cut school and pick up that blunt, and knew that white supremacy haa unconsciously taught them to hate themselves, then we'd see change. Fact is, a lot of us think that this shyt is normal, that the need to bang and the need to dropout is "natural", and not because we've been programmed since the day we were born to be attracted to alol of this negative shyt. A Lot of them think they're doing what's best for them, in reality they're doing what's best for white people.

Like I said, I had a rough upbringing myself, child services, abuse, all that, but I was a reader. And that helped me be aware, it saved my life just having a basic understanding of America by the time I was 15. Which is the age where it all starts to kick in. The only hope is to make them aware, because from their first breath, the self-hate and insatiable urge to be both destructive and self-destructive is taught. Most of them don't know that they're ruining their lives.


Dec 11, 2012
goverment assistance, public education public libraries, public transportation etc. I got a library card in my wallet for a township I aint never lived in my life the excuses is bullshyt to me fam and I started out in in section 8

There's people who come into this country peniless, unable to speak the language of the majority of the residents and manage to find a lane and raise families. People float to this country without two sticks to rub together knowing full well they aint playing fair, but come anyway for the OPPORTUNITY. There's no excuse. they are brainwashed into their "hopelessness"

you don't need to be well rounded to get the ground work moving on a middle class+ lifestyle. Just need a little bit of vision. The problem is these africans don't wanna be middle class or climb the ladder rung by rung. They wanna fukk bytches RIGHT NOW and wanna be like the rappers on tv and the dudes who shyttin on them in the club.

Neither could sellin drugs and gang banging even without the risks attached. couldn't have been that smart to not realize that

He's 15, he has an abundance of one of the most powerful resources of all (TIME). You could tell him damn near anything and it would be a better look than what he is now. You could save his life instead of pitying him and giving that bullshyt a pass

Generation after Generation of slave mentalities will not change overnight...

Some will find the way early, some will find the way as they go on, and some will never find the way

The conditions that black people deal with has been accepted as the new normal...


Dec 11, 2012
he has time but bills need to be paid now, he doesn't have the luxury of waiting around. give me an example of something I can tell a 15 y/o who's mother depends on him to supplement her income.

I didn't give him a pass at all, but I also couldn't offer him any tangible solutions either.

They are not sensitive to any problems so they really cant offer solutions...

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
he has time but bills need to be paid now, he doesn't have the luxury of waiting around. give me an example of something I can tell a 15 y/o who's mother depends on him to supplement her income? I didn't give him a pass at all, but I also couldn't offer him any tangible solutions either.
How many bills his momma got? You don't need need to sell white full time to afford a got damn water and electric bill in the hood. :camby: you could afford that shyt on a mcdonalds salary or selling dime bags full time. He pay rent or something too? tbh sound like he was runnin pity game on you but idk the guy so...

But to answer your question, if he started now he could learn to be a car mechanic, could join a small time sales team, could learn a trade like carpentry or brick laying, real estate investing etc. And I know an ex-con doing every one of the examples I listed.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Not literally saying "fukk this" breh :aicmon:

I mean that as in weighing your options and analyzing your future. A lot of these kids do shyt on impulse, they don't know about statistics or the conditions that are set for them, and schools do a shytty job by teaching them things that don't really matter. If more hood kids KNEW the statistics, knew that they're supposed to have kids, and knew that they were supposed to cut school and pick up that blunt, and knew that white supremacy haa unconsciously taught them to hate themselves, then we'd see change. Fact is, a lot of us think that this shyt is normal, that the need to bang and the need to dropout is "natural", and not because we've been programmed since the day we were born to be attracted to alol of this negative shyt. A Lot of them think they're doing what's best for them, in reality they're doing what's best for white people.

Like I said, I had a rough upbringing myself, child services, abuse, all that, but I was a reader. And that helped me be aware, it saved my life just having a basic understanding of America by the time I was 15. Which is the age where it all starts to kick in. The only hope is to make them aware, because from their first breath, the self-hate and insatiable urge to be both destructive and self-destructive is taught. Most of them don't know that they're ruining their lives.

Are you personly doing anything to help at risk youth that come from these conditions or are you standing on your high horse judging and criticizing these kids and offering no tangible solution.

You seem to lack empathy and and overall understanding of why some of our youth behave in the manner that they do. The conditions surrounding them and the fukked up families that they are born into


Oct 10, 2014
The 🏝️ Of Relevancy
The more things change, the more they stay the same. No point of talking about personal shyt about gangs, cause everyone is different. Some join for different reason, goals. Some get out, some don't. I agree with both sides of the perspective though.


Oct 10, 2014
The 🏝️ Of Relevancy
How do the ones itt that are emphatic to banging, what's your solution to break the cycle?
And the ones that are not feeling banging, what are your solutions to break the cycle?


Mar 30, 2013
that's the problem when we have these discussions, it always comes down to "if I could do it then why can't they", not taking into account that your situations may be wildly different or that what YOU as an individual might be able to handle, others may not. we also get silly made up statistics pulled outta the air like:

can we get receipts on this, I highly doubt it.

I lived most of my young life at or below the poverty line in shytty apartment complexes, I went to school with these same nikkas that went on t join gangs and waste their lives. It was not shiraq but it wast closr to the suburbs. It's a choice you make, only difference between me and them is that I had both parents home but that's another convo the coli doest like to talk about.

No excuses for these dumb nikkas, dropping out of school and selling drugs to your neighbors is not surviving.

Survival is staying up till 1 am every damn day trying to study with shytty school book with half the pages torn out. That's why I got a scholarship, I was not even the most talented I just worked hard. I know so many damn kids who were better than me, guys who could read a book once a remember everything.

I'm tired of excuses for these fukk boys, they add nothing to the community it would be better if they all died :birdman: