Why Bernie Sanders Won Super Tuesday


Alone In My Zone
Sep 30, 2012
The Cosmos
Why Bernie Sanders Won Super Tuesday

Why Bernie Sanders Won Super Tuesday

Bernie won Super Tuesday! Let me explain why.

Going into tonight it was unclear what was going to happen because the polling was so shoddy in some states, especially Colorado and Minnesota. Those two states are so important because of what they mean for the future.

It turns out that Hillary Clinton won all of the states she was supposed to win -- and a narrow victory in Massachusetts (remember she won Mass. by 15 points against Obama and still lost the primary in 2008). But Bernie Sanders had resounding wins in CO & MN. Those two states are much more indicative of the states that are coming in the rest of the primary schedule.

All of these Southern states were Hillary Clinton's best states (by the way, also irrelevant places to have strength in for the general election). She's used up most of her ammo and doesn't even know what kind of trouble she's in. Right before the voting, she pivoted toward the right again in anticipation of the general election. Big mistake. She can't help herself; she lives and breaths arrogance.

Tonight could have been the knock out punch if Clinton had won CO & MN. But she didn't! She lost them big. Now, he has a $40 million war chest and favorable map in front of him. Feel the Bern!

Time is on Bernie's side. The more he runs, the more people find out about him. Everyone already knows Clinton. She's gaining no new voters. Every day he gains ground. So, now he lives to fight many other days. She is in a race against time and she didn't close the door tonight. Tick, tock. Tick, tock!

March 8th is huge because whoever wins Michigan has momentum going into March 15th -- the real Super Tuesday (FL, OH, IL, NC and MO). That's Colossal Tuesday. And maybe the Ides of March for Hillary Clinton.


Jun 8, 2012
Did he win? TYTs werent acting like it last night.
did he win what?

here's the thing. we already knew the entire world was behind clinton before this thing started. then bernie came in and stole some of that ENTIRE part. now its MOST of the world behind clinton. most being most of the DNC pushing that hill agenda and most of the media pushing a trump vs hill match up because they see it as the biggest ratings grab. They dont care who wins it all. They being these corporations. well they hope two corporatists win(trump or hill) not Bernie.

Bernie = less ratings and Less tax breaks and other gifts to for the rich, ultra large corporations that are behind the media now.

So what stat has hillary won that she should not have? or what state has hillary won that looked like bernie would win there? NON.

and the OP has a point about the southern states. Those states are RED come Real Election time. So who cares if you get some votes there. you wont win those anyway.

Its like a waste of votes. it only works for the short game(primaries) not for the long game(general election.) Similar to how trump is bringing out more repubs to vote NOW during the short game(primaries). but it wont matter in some of these states since they are states that will turn blue come general election time.

mass is literally thee only one and that was super tight. So its saying something. Where there is a HUGE Dem Electorate, they will lean towards bernie. at least for now. that may change going forward. but thats exactly what it looks like.


Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012
If you have to make threads like this, it lets me know Bernie took an L . Ol moral victories is for minor league coaches ass niccas:mjlol:
He won two of the three states that actually mattered. Hillary won all the southern states that we knew she was gonna win and that are guaranteed to go red in the general anyway.


Delete account when possible.
Aug 1, 2015
Did he win? TYTs werent acting like it last night.
I watched the whole broadcast. Cenk has it at now 50/50 again. Yes, this was a huge win for Bernie, when you count what SC was saying going into it. I'd seriously thought he was going to get pushed out, effectively, yesterday. He won big in CO and Minnesota, which kinda reveals the mood in both regions he needs for March 8/15th.

He also had a surprising OK win, so MO could definitely give him more. He needs convincing wins in these next states and yesterday shows heavy momentum. Then the big endorsements come that flip super delagates.