Regarding the pressures of being forced to spend money for a wedding/engagement ring...I agree. Personally, I don't even wear jewelry. I don't even wear a watch. And I think it's unnecessary. But it is expected, and I think rather unfairly.
Ditto for the price of the wedding.
Regarding a woman quitting her job when she has children. Eh... I mean that's gotta be a joint decision between husband and wife. I'd actually like for my wife to be home raising the kids if that was a possibility. But I'm okay with her working and us having a babysitter.
If my wife stops there a concern that she'll never work again? Maybe. But women probably get bored being at the house all day and I suspect she'll want to go back to work because she loves her career..and also to break the monotony of being in the house.
Regarding cheating, I think it's a douchebag move no matter who does it. But there are some people who will make excuses for it. "She wasn't getting attention" etc... I don't think that's a reason not to get married. Cheating can happen any time.
The Prenuptial agreement thing is interesting. It probably does make sense for people to get pre-nups. But if they get thrown out in court, what's the point? That's a shytty deal, honestly.
Regarding the statistic that 70% of women initiate divorce...that's a bit mindblowing. I wonder why that is. Why do women initiate divorce at a far higher rate than men?