Why are so many people so lost?

What say?

  • We may already be in hell. Yes, that makes sense. What else could hell have we haven't already felt?

    Votes: 12 41.4%
  • Can't be in hell. I refuse to believe it because I believe something else.

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • I'm living heavenly, can't relate. 8 feet, 8 figures, 8 certs, 8 series, all dat.

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • All in your mind everytime. It is what you think. Nothing more. Nothing less.

    Votes: 12 41.4%
  • Hell is hot and PAWGS are cool. Does not compute but I ain't complaining.

    Votes: 3 10.3%

  • Total voters


Jan 1, 2018

Take it however you feel, whatever popped in your dome when you clicked the thread.

I look around and see a world full of people who manufacture proof as they lie to themselves in order to avoid the truth of their own suffering. I know because I too used to do this. To realize that takes a modicum of Self awareness that many are truly lacking and when drowning in distractions will never feel anyway as the Game is engineered to make you look anywhere but within.

A man can see further through a tear than a telescopes lens...

Some pray to a power they place outside themselves because someone said and they're seeking salvation without questioning their current placement. Others look to people as lost as them for guidance whilst a few find refuge in potions, pills, sexual thrills or twiddling joysticks. A tiny, tiny sliver (like 8% of the global populace) actually take the time to think and cross reference the outer and in to draw their own conclusions based on the evidence, experience and intuition presents.

Its like the users manual of the Game is missing and most people are scared to question in order to save face so they trudge wherever the herd says, even though its only ever bought misery and pain. "Abandon ye hope all who walk this way" the sign says.

Why do you think it is this way?


To me the concept that we're already dead to a previous existence and have incarnated into a carbon based hell built around limited senses ticks a lot of boxes but isn't exactly popular dinner conversation as the implications are hard to shake once seen through this lens as it all fits. Like a straight line in Tetris. The blocks melt and wisdom springs again once the eternal fount is free of inherited ignorance about the way it is because someone says vs what you're feeling in your chest.


Poll has multiple options and is anonymous. The topic is multifaceted but please be real. Also:

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Jan 1, 2018
A lot and I mean a LOT of trauma that hasn't been dealt with in any way beyond self medication(which is a million miles away from a viable solution).

Man, this is so true. Its quite literally a huge part of it and its what humanity as a collective brushes under the rug. Like toxic waste buried in landfills for the next generation to deal with. Except no one does so the children inherit ignorance that begets suffering and pass it on again.

This is a prime motivator of my perspective as the world destroys innocence then profits off the misery with false solutions.

Sounds like hell, yes?

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
I think the 4th explanation in the poll is the biggest reason. Wherever you go, there you are. You can't run from yourself - your thoughts, imagination or memories. Depending on your programming, life will look and continue looking a certain way for you until you get to the grave.

At least, that's what I posit.

I'm currently trying to master a skill and have shelled out money to acquire knowledge and training from teachers. Yet, each time I go to execute, I meet my own self and self-limiting thoughts. I could spend a million dollars and the ourcime would be the same. It has been depressing as hell. Until you master the mind, I think, nothing else matters. As I've said, you can't outrun yourself.

Thus, if the mind is locked in to a certain frequency, everything you see and perceive in life will take on the traits of said level. We have to master ourselves for life to be at least bearable at first. Then the fun can begin.

At least, that's what I'm hoping.


Jan 1, 2018
I think the 4th explanation in the poll is the biggest reason. Wherever you go, there you are. You can't run from yourself - your thoughts, imagination or memories. Depending on your programming, life will look and continue looking a certain way for you until you get to the grave.

At least, that's what I posit.

I'm currently trying to master a skill and have shelled out money to acquire knowledge and training from teachers. Yet, each time I go to execute, I meet my own self and self-limiting thoughts. I could spend a million dollars and the ourcime would be the same. It has been depressing as hell. Until you master the mind, I think, nothing else matters. As I've said, you can't outrun yourself.

Thus, if the mind is locked in to a certain frequency, everything you see and perceive in life will take on the traits of said level. We have to master ourselves for life to be at least bearable at first. Then the fun can begin.

At least, that's what I'm hoping.

This is also very, very true in my experience.

Its why I prize knowledge of Self as then things start to make so much more sense and I get that the brakes were jammed on in order to prevent me accelerating without first facing that which limits and in the process gaining a clearer innerstanding of the tech without just riding off into the sunrise and chasing highs. In that sense what starts off like hell can become heaven but then I look around at the people suffering over many generations and perishing due to a lack of knowledge and I can't help but question the intent of the paradigm and those who built it.

The subconscious truly runs the show and anyone who attempts to the flip the script will meet their shadow aspect, full tilt. Its what led me to the conclusion that I never truly interact with anyone, just my perception of them which is tinted by my own filters and projections ergo I'm speaking to an aspect of Self that manifests as another to drop hints about what I wasn't listening to within. When I changed my mind people miraculously altered themselves without doing anything. Draw your own conclusions.

Once that clicked then it was a whole different spectrum of frequency available and the Game evolved before my eyelids which led to the next conclusion that it all takes place inside my awareness which means my power is unfinite and tremendous which is an exceedingly humbling realization as one then comprehends the power of a simple word, gesture or glance as the opposite is also true inside the bounds of anothers flesh as what animates them is me, hence we. Ergo, no strangers or enemies. Just teachers.

You notice this if you start Self development. People around you will flip as your changes threaten their equilibrium as they must either adapt or die which is why they'll attempt to kill your evolution as they'd rather have you sitting in the reality box they expect being miserable than ascending as you slay your personal demons on the path to Self hood because then they'd have to question what they currently accept...

There's levels to the Game, thats for certain. The first step is realizing you're playing it because life most definitely isn't what most people think it is. If it was the world wouldn't be like this and thats the hint to look within because the external solutions are obviously lacking but that itself takes a certain strength most don't believe they possess.


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
I don't believe human beings, at our core, were meant to go at things alone. We have the ability now to live and prosper without family, close-knit community, etc. but many of the things we are told to chase in life only bring temporary happiness, not a general sense of peace. p*ssy/dikk, money, and parties are basically what is pushed for the most part.

People always want to be part of something bigger. Once the struggle for maintaining and uplifting our community helped fill that void. But now everyone is an individual and is GMB/don't need a man, there is very little driving folks besides self-actualization. I think a lot of social media is trying to replace that community and its validation though it is the most toxic way possible of doing so.


Mar 11, 2022
Old York
OP if you're going through it coli brehs here 4 u :salute:

But life is complex and like the weather has seasons. When you're up life feels like heaven. When you're down it feels like hell. What I don't agree with is assuming the majority is walking around deaf dumb and blind. That type of attitude tends to create people who become distant from their community and potentially humanity. It can even be potentially dangerous. I'll give a super basic example.

Your first love. Life feels like heaven. The world is beautiful.

A fall out happens; you're betrayed. You got cheated on. Life is hell. People try to give you advice on how to cope but their words don't help; the pain is strong. You don't actively listen or FEEL what they're saying...even if they have already been through it. "No-one gets it."

As a defense mechanism you put an emotional/trust barrier up. You become slightly jaded. Some bullshyt happens with the new girl. Now you icey.
Girl 3 could be an angel sent from heaven. You can't even see it now and dog her out. The thought of love at all is a thing of the past. (I don't want to spin this thread about breaking down this example...but its a super basic one that is applicable and relatable)

I chose the all in your mind option. Life is what you make it. perception is reality. What can be deceiving is the outside influences. Especially today. It is so easy to hop online and find a million different sources and echo chambers to reenforce ANY perception you chose to subscribe you. Tricking you into thinking this is universal LAW.

This is why diversity is important. Travel to new places. Meet New people. Get out of your comfort zone. Try new things. Never have a type or become a stereotype.


Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
Man, this is so true. Its quite literally a huge part of it and its what humanity as a collective brushes under the rug. Like toxic waste buried in landfills for the next generation to deal with. Except no one does so the children inherit ignorance that begets suffering and pass it on again.

This is a prime motivator of my perspective as the world destroys innocence then profits off the misery with false solutions.

Sounds like hell, yes?
It's a personal hell for sure. Collective hell is worth debating imo


Jan 1, 2018
I don't believe human beings, at our core, were meant to go at things alone. We have the ability now to live and prosper without family, close-knit community, etc. but many of the things we are told to chase in life only bring temporary happiness, not a general sense of peace. p*ssy/dikk, money, and parties are basically what is pushed for the most part.

People always want to be part of something bigger. Once the struggle for maintaining and uplifting our community helped fill that void. But now everyone is an individual and is GMB/don't need a man, there is very little driving folks besides self-actualization. I think a lot of social media is trying to replace that community and its validation though it is the most toxic way possible of doing so.

This is true. I spoke of it elsewhen:

People speak but don't connect. We are given something that comes in the guise of unification but actually divides its adherents. Like a moth to a flame do the ignorant fly and wonder why they get singed only to get up and do it all again even though it obviously isn't working.

What could be the cause of this collective major malfunction I wonder as I sip my beverage and ponder lifes questions and search for solutions...

OP if you're going through it coli brehs here 4 u :salute:

But life is complex and like the weather has seasons. When you're up life feels like heaven. When you're down it feels like hell. What I don't agree with is assuming the majority is walking around deaf dumb and blind. That type of attitude tends to create people who become distant from their community and potentially humanity. It can even be potentially dangerous. I'll give a super basic example.

Your first love. Life feels like heaven. The world is beautiful.

A fall out happens; you're betrayed. You got cheated on. Life is hell. People try to give you advice on how to cope but their words don't help; the pain is strong. You don't actively listen or FEEL what they're saying...even if they have already been through it. "No-one gets it."

As a defense mechanism you put an emotional/trust barrier up. You become slightly jaded. Some bullshyt happens with the new girl. Now you icey.
Girl 3 could be an angel sent from heaven. You can't even see it now and dog her out. The thought of love at all is a thing of the past. (I don't want to spin this thread about breaking down this example...but its a super basic one that is applicable and relatable)

I chose the all in your mind option. Life is what you make it. perception is reality. What can be deceiving is the outside influences. Especially today. It is so easy to hop online and find a million different sources and echo chambers to reenforce ANY perception you chose to subscribe you. Tricking you into thinking this is universal LAW.

This is why diversity is important. Travel to new places. Meet New people. Get out of your comfort zone. Try new things. Never have a type or become a stereotype.


Chea, this is why I use the analogy of a rollercoaster. The ride of existence. The Game in another skin because its filled with thrills, spills and chills. If you forget this and hold on with a vice grip it can be terrifying because you're missing the point which is:


When seen from a higher perspective but I can't enjoy this bounty alone. Thats like me dining fine with meals cooked by a gourmet chef as my brother dives in a dumpster for stale bread. I can't turn to him and say "How is the dish?" because he isn't sharing my experience and that means mine doesn't taste as good as it could. The problem with spiritual development is its a solo sport and those who haven't taken the steps can't comprehend but it truly hurts my heart to see good people suffering and thus I sit alone in my four corner room staring at candles thinking of how to help those wandering through the valley of the shadow of death in a way they'll not only comprehend but action as well.

Be the change you wish to be is often said and I hope I exemplify this with my presence as I've met none of the brehs and brehettes but it feels like we're on the same wavelength because beats and rhymes spoke to us and bought us to this little corner of the web where we kick it.

Each one, teach one. Like the Panthers said:


King Poetic

The D.O.G.( Disciple of God)
Feb 15, 2013
Executive Chair Of The West
I can’t remember the last time that I have seen so many phony people in this world , especially in our community

Nobody is happy about who they are or what they doing in life..

I don’t be on social media like that but when I browse and see people I grew up with or work with in their bios telling lies about what they do in life and not proud that u have a 9-5 and u not this big time person u claimed to be online, have me thinking something mentally is wrong inside of them


Mar 11, 2022
Old York
I can’t remember the last time that I have seen so many phony people in this world , especially in our community

Nobody is happy about who they are or what they doing in life..

I don’t be on social media like that but when I browse and see people I grew up with or work with in their bios telling lies about what they do in life and not proud that u have a 9-5 and u not this big time person u claimed to be online, have me thinking something mentally is wrong inside of them

Sound like an identity crisis. I've witnessed this too. There is something mentally wrong with these people. That show "Catfish" blew my fukking mind when I first saw it. There are probably people on this site as well who come here and treat it like "create a player." Maybe it stems from low self esteem?

I wouldn't say nobody is happy with who they are or what they're doing in life. That is basically a requirement to be in my circle. And if someone in the circle strays we form like Voltron to help elevate.