^^^This post is on the right track.
The rumor is that what is now known to be HIV/AIDS was first injected in African colonies claiming it was a smallpox vaccine. It was supposedly conducted by the WHO (World Health Organization), none of these have been substantiated, but they are popular rumors as to how it was spread.
Similar tests were performed on gay males in small communities on the west coast. There is a reason that undesirable minorities (gays, blacks etc.) were the first people to catch these diseases.
I grew up in a small town not too far from Ft. Detrick, Maryland. Ft. Detrick is where USAMRIID is located. In a nutshell, USAMRIID basically does a lot of disease/chemical testing.(
You can call :ducktales: or whatever, but I am only telling OP this because I find these topics fascinating, but my father used to be a teacher in Carol County Maryland and he knew the son of one of Ft. Detrick's colonoels/head scientists, something along those lines. My dad passed away, but if I remember what he told me correctly, the name of his co-worker at the school was Roger.
My dad had the SAME exact conversation you're having now with his coworkers and they ALWAYS clowned him for being a conspiracy theorist/whacko, but this dude Roger overheard him. Roger told him, "You know you're on the right track, right?" He ended up inviting my dad to check out the base and see some of the restricted buildings from the outside.
My dad told me about a research facility that was completely barricaded and bricked out and inside there was a virus outbreak that ended up being quarantined. He also told me that Roger took him to two buildings. My dad couldn't go inside of them, but Roger wanted to make a point to him by showing him the title of the buildings.
There were signs adorned on both buildings respectively "AID/HIV Research" and another said "Cancer Research". Roger never said exactly what was done in those building, but he wanted to acknowledge my dad was on the right track with the theories of the govt. testing and developing these diseases as weapons or population control.
You can believe whatever you want, but I'm imploring you to understand the govt. and some of its entities are very, very sinister. It's a common theory that most of these destructive viruses and diseases were developed and tested at Ft. Detrick where the USAMRIID is located.
The CIA has admittedly trafficked things like crack cocaine and other illegal substances to destroy and control minority populations, but why are you so quick to doubt the govt. or a similarly controlled agency wouldn't hesitate to do the same thing with diseases.
Again, believe whatever you want, and you can say whatever you want about my post, but I am not typing all of this to entertain or get e-props, I just truly think it is everyone's responsibility to understand and be aware of the frightening truths that sometimes exist in life.
Just keep an open mind OP.