is this helping?
are religious hispanics expected to conform to this as democrats?
No. These people need to be shunned. Stop this BS with kids
is this helping?
are religious hispanics expected to conform to this as democrats?
The responses in this thread are on point
Basically, most of them view themselves as white, and they are socially conservative
I also want to add that focusing on immigration and undocumented immigrants does not garner as much appeal among Latinos as Dems think it does
last part more important. They’re trying to garner votes from people who can vote by appealing to only people who can’t vote. Bunch of morons.
Republicans gay as hell
This also.They want to be white. Let it go.
i dont think its the millennials who are shifting. it's their parents
Or maybe it has nothing to do with it at alli dont think its the millennials who are shifting. it's their parents
novembers gonna be interesting as fukk, to see where this country's really at
did you have an explanation yourself that i missed?Or maybe it has nothing to do with it at all
What’s the first thing the average person on the street thinks when you ask them what do democrats stand for? Exactly.
Dems have a branding issue like it or not, put all these fakkits back in the closet and start talking bread and butter issues and stay focused on healthcare, economy and yes doing something about immigration.
68% of non Cuban Latinos consider themselves dem/ lean dem.did you have an explanation yourself that i missed?
because this is too fukkin accurate
The analysis from the Latino-focused research outfit pointed to Latino approval of Trump’s economic policies as a key factor that helped Trump win over Latino voters worried about how COVID-19 would impact the economy. And because concerns about COVID-19 and the economy dominated the spotlight, immigration issues that might have kept some Latinos from backing Trump became less salient. That was important because Trump’s anti-immigration and anti-Latino rhetoric had kept some more conservative-leaning Latinos from voting for him in 2016, but with immigration pushed to the background in 2020, these voters now felt more comfortable casting a ballot for Trump.
Among “LatAm” voters in South Florida (those of Colombian, Nicaraguan, Dominican, Mexican and Venezuelan descent, among others), we found that concern over Democrats embracing socialism was a significant predictor of the Trump vote. The Miami LatAms shifted even more than the Cubans (we’ve previously talked about what happened with a segment of the Cuban-American electorate that voted at high levels for Obama). The highly developed media ecosystem in Miami is a factor there.
The story in South Texas: Republicans owned the border issue. Immigration didn’t stand out elsewhere in the country, but, in Texas, views on Trump’s immigration agenda powerfully sorted Hispanic independents between the two presidential candidates. The effect of immigration was strongest along the border, where it centered quite naturally on the highly salient issue of border security. While Trump didn’t directly campaign in the Rio Grande Valley or the border, he and his surrogates frequented it often as part of his “law and order” pitch.