Why are atheists so overwhelmingly white and male?

Van Cleef

All Star
Nov 16, 2017
You're all atheists to 99.9999% of all other gods that have been invented in history.

If you're religious, the only difference between "an atheist" and you...is literally 1 god.

So, I don't believe in 10,000 gods
And you don't believe in 9,999 gods.

most ppl arent atheists because isn't practical... a life without God leads to nihilism and depression

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
Been dodging this thread like Ali avoiding swings, but here's my two cents on such subjects....

Its take a strong person to believe in what they cannot see....

Why you think most white folks fold under pressure as something as little as a demotion? Faith is such a harsh and tedious action that's given to man, but such things require a lot of believing and sacrifice.

I'm not going to say all white folks and black folks of that matter, but the consensus on some "God's not real" shyt don't want to believe that they don't own shyt from the get go.

This is all one big paradox of action and testament. We are put on this earth for various reasons, and most folks would rather go about life head in the sand, instead of looking up in the clouds. I have had debates with full-blown atheists that always spew the same ole nonsense all over again, but I always tell my wife that...they're believing in something, which is such irony that they don't believe that God doesn't exist.

At the end of the day, you are believing...but it takes one step in believing in God. When you are tested, you see the biggest results at the end of the trial. When a white person goes through the motions, they resort to anger, bitterness, and doing the absolute most, including self harm. Not because the light is so stretch beyond the tunnel, but they don't want to withstand the rain and get a hold of being humble.

For instance, the dude that killed himself on a Facebook feed. If dude could have waited, he would have realized his worth on earth. While he had that shotgun to his neck, that phone call in an instant could have saved his life. He could have gotten a woman that can withstand his way, or better himself. A better job with benefits and lack of stress. Along with understanding that it is okay to be not okay, but you will be okay in the long run of life.

When I was going through the motions, I almost killed myself...but so many factors steer me into the direction of choosing life. Mainly my son who ran out to hug me. My wife who constantly prayed over me...and yall folks who laugh at my jokes and actually saved my families' life in such a rut. All because I got on my knees and prayed in that hot, humid car with moldy food and lack of water. Next thing I know, I put aside the stubbornness and asked for help (mainly a prayer, but it got turned into a blessing deeper than just a well-wish).

Folks would rather put their hands on a situation that they can't control, versus leaving it at the altar as the higher power can shift the atmosphere for the better.

TLDR: Most folks in general would rather believe in themselves and the almighty dollar, over the man above, and that's some real gospel. Like a money hungry former pastor of mines once said: "drug dealers put more faith in God, than the folks that go to church. They stand on the corner and believing a customer will come through...."

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
Had no creation, was always there, he’s the opposite of nothingness, the origin of things, but you’re trying to argue with me when I literally said I didn’t want to so could you answer my question why you even asked that question?
just pointing out that if you can say "well god was always just there", then people are free to say the same shyt about the universe :yeshrug:

why do i have to explain where the universe came from, if you don't have to explain where god came from? :ehh:


Nov 17, 2016
Anxiety attacks and sugar cookies
just pointing out that if you can say "well god was always just there", then people are free to say the same shyt about the universe :yeshrug:

why do i have to explain where the universe came from, if you don't have to explain where god came from? :ehh:
I did explain, God can’t be a creator if he’s created, that’s why I said “opposite” of nothingness because if there’s no god then it’s impossible for creation to happen because there’s nothing to create it. And you didn’t even answer my question.

Hoodoo Child

The Urban Legend
Jul 22, 2017
The Crossroads
2 reasons, being an atheist in the black or Hispanic community is heavily frowned upon. Damn near every woman is going to say she wants a “God fearing man”. Thing is a woman won’t hold it against you if you simply don’t talk about religion but if she finds out you actively do not believe then it will be a huge red flag in dating.

2nd reason is because people who have been put in positions where they need others to help them out of a bad situation put more faith in there being an outside force that will someday help them. The further you get from oppression the less you will believe that a God controls your fate.
They'll still let a "Devil fearing man" hit tho :sas2:


Instructing Space Cowboy's mama on the blade
May 28, 2012
Most people who were colonized already had religions that they were very conservative with to the point they still kept implementing them despite the consequences
Colonization brought the modern religion AKA "Letting cacs do you dirty because their book said to obey", which is part of the brainwashing holding colonized people down to this day. Only they would pervert a religion to con people into accepting subjugation.


Nov 1, 2015
Yeah Trump is definitely atheist no doubt about it but you can’t say shyt like that and think you gone run for president. You’ll lose all the red votes

In his memoir Disloyal, excerpts of which have emerged in the last few days, Mr Cohen calls Mr Trump “a cheat, a liar, a fraud, a bully, a racist, a predator, a con man” – and describes him tearing into one of his most loyal constituencies after a group of Christian leaders prayed over him.

According to Mr Cohen, the president emerged from the session with contempt. “Can you believe that bulls**t?” he allegedly said. “Can you believe people believe that bulls**t?”

One day in 2015, Donald Trump beckoned Michael Cohen, his longtime confidant and personal attorney, into his office. Trump was brandishing a printout of an article about an Atlanta-based megachurch pastor trying to raise $60 million from his flock to buy a private jet. Trump knew the preacher personally—Creflo Dollar had been among a group of evangelical figures who visited him in 2011 while he was first exploring a presidential bid. During the meeting, Trump had reverently bowed his head in prayer while the pastors laid hands on him. Now he was gleefully reciting the impious details of Dollar’s quest for a Gulfstream G650.

Trump seemed delighted by the “scam,” Cohen recalled to me, and eager to highlight that the pastor was “full of shyt.”

“They’re all hustlers,” Trump said.

The president’s alliance with religious conservatives has long been premised on the contention that he takes them seriously, while Democrats hold them in disdain. In speeches and interviews, Trump routinely lavishes praise on conservative Christians, casting himself as their champion. “My administration will never stop fighting for Americans of faith,” he declared at a rally for evangelicals earlier this year. It’s a message his campaign will seek to amplify in the coming weeks as Republicans work to confirm Amy Coney Barrett—a devout, conservative Catholic—to the Supreme Court.

But in private, many of Trump’s comments about religion are marked by cynicism and contempt, according to people who have worked for him. Former aides told me they’ve heard Trump ridicule conservative religious leaders, dismiss various faith groups with cartoonish stereotypes, and deride certain rites and doctrines held sacred by many of the Americans who constitute his base.


Nov 1, 2015
Not wanting Christian fascists stripping people of their rights Isn’t fukking militancy.

We have a bunch of fukking Christian fundamentalists in the US stripping us of our rights and you think atheists are the militant ones? These people are trying to ban fukking birth control for christs sakes

What atheist is currently in government stripping Christians of their rights due their religion? I’ll wait for that answer :jbhmm:

I swear a bunch of yall don’t live in the same reality as the rest of us when I see stuff like that written on here

it's because they don't live in reality, their persistance in imposing their beliefs on others will always be a threat and thus why militant atheism is inevitable.