Field Marshall Bradley
They've literally done studies on it
But of course you wouldn't know that.... As the study indicates
Why Are Educated People More Likely to Be Atheists?
The more education a person receives, the more likely they are to become atheist. Non-belief also increases with intelligence and income. Residents of more educated countries see religion as less important in their daily
Why Are Educated People More Likely to Be Atheists?
Religion works more through the emotions than through reason.
Is there a correlation between intelligence and atheism?
The authors also investigated the link between belief in a god and average national IQs in 137 countries. The authors reported a correlation of 0.60 between atheism rates and level of intelligence, which was determined to be "highly statistically significant".
Religiosity and intelligence - Wikipedia
Just like an ofay using one of the most white supremacist sites on this god forsaken internet..... no empirical data or hard core proof... just born insecure white boys with a platform to convince white washed nikkas like yaself that you're special.... because you love being white adjacent more than you love people that look like you.........