Organic Trees
Go Cavs! #LetEmKnow
Dream had so much potential. At least I still have hope for Keith lee and Montez 

now, the only reason to go back to wwe is if cokeboy is out because then wwe is THE big stage without a senile old man canceling all of the writers and talent ideas AND you travelled around the world and got that seasoning from making your name against other free professionals
They are on FOX - a national TV channel everyone with a television gets once a week every week of the year. It's a big stage, period. Whether they use it right or not is a whole different animal entirely, but it's undoubtedly big time.that big stage bullchit is just propaganda.
They are on FOX - a national TV channel everyone with a television gets once a week every week of the year. It's a big stage, period. Whether they use it right or not is a whole different animal entirely, but it's undoubtedly big time.
that big stage bullchit is just propaganda.
Are you arguing that FOX and TNT are somehow equivalent stages? Because they aren't. TNT wouldn't even claim that themselves.
wrestlemania is still a bigger show than all of the indies can put together combined.... except for this year cause of covid
not saying i like it but thats how it is
im saying smackdown couldve just stayed on USA and would be doing the same numbers.
they havnt benefited from the additional FOX exposure at all.
the fox-sports deal that they have is sweet tho.
Oh. So you didn't read my first post at all. Bet.
I literally pointed out that their usage of their platform is questionable off rip, bruh. FOX is still big time. So your point, that I was replying too in the first place, is incorrect. No one in their right minds thinks WWE has made proper use of the massive boon they've been given being primetime on one of the four major stations in America 52 weeks a year.
Montez Ford has singles star written all over him, he's someone who would benefit greatly from an IC title run.
He's probably getting the titles back at mania and has a edgier presentation.Those 2 were supposed to be next mannnnnn
Tez still directionless on the main rosters 6 tears later