Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
And Spielberg hasn't made a fun movie since 2002 , doesn't make them any less GOATS :smugnolan:
Yes, it does. Spielberg has fallen quite a bit on my list.

And Spielberg hasn't made a fun movie since 2002 , doesn't make them any less GOATS :smugnolan:
No love for FuquA??!
fukk Ridley Scott for what he did to Gods of Egypt.
I agree Avatar is overrated but Terminator and T2 are classics mainly, because of Cameron. And Aliens is perfection, don't talk about one of the Goat directors lIke that.Overrated: James Cameron: Avatar was dancing with wolves with aliens. Visually it was ok but but the storyline was already done. Arnold made Terminator. That is all.
No love for FuquA??! Shame on y'all, his movies always put you on age and love the darkness in them.
Kubrick - Full Metal Jacket is one of my all time favorite movies that I can watch over and over. Eyes Wide Shut is another classic. Complete master of his craft
fukk Ridley Scott for what he did to Gods of Egypt.
Overrated: James Cameron: Avatar was dancing with wolves with aliens. Visually it was ok but but the storyline was already done. Arnold made Terminator. That is all.
I agree Avatar is overrated but Terminator and T2 are classics mainly, because of Cameron. And Aliens is perfection, don't talk about one of the Goat directors lIke that.
Fuqua is cool but I don't think him not being anyone's absolute favorite means he's wack. I think it just comes down to how often do you think about training day or king Arthur or the equalizer. The man does know how to make a good action flick though. Olympus has fallen was fun as hell even if it was xenophobic a bit. But the sequel upped the ante on that front by 1000 pts lol
As far as Cameron goes, I think you're underestimating his contributions. Aliens and both terminator movies work because of him. Terminator 3 had Arnold and it was fine but not great. Then we just had Genysis which is forgetful even though it had Arnold. Arnold may have informed the character but that world, that whole conceit, everything that makes it tick, it's heart and all that is all Cameron. Avatar isbut don't sleep on his contributions to the Terminator movies or Aliens or True Lies or even Titanic
Cmon we know Arnold made that character because of his stoic personality.
I'll give him the Aliens series since it's the GOAT sci-fi/horror movies.
After T3, the series just fail apart. Mostly due to poor direction and lack of Arnold. Let's not forget that Arnold during the 80s/early90s was one of the most bankable actors in Hollywood next to Eddie Murphy. His stoic personality made Terminator and True Lies, Cameron utilized that to his full potential.
Titanic wasnot my cup of tea.
Btw Didn't Cameron ripped off several writers, notability Sophia Steward's The Third Eye for Terminator?? Hack job? That's why he was overrated. I heard the rumor about being paid royalities from the Matrix and Terminator franchise was false tho, but I would like to know if he really ripped her story off and others as well.
Can we please stop bringing up sophia Stewart? that shyt is b/s.Cmon we know Arnold made that character because of his stoic personality.
I'll give him the Aliens series since it's the GOAT sci-fi/horror movies.
After T3, the series just fail apart. Mostly due to poor direction and lack of Arnold. Let's not forget that Arnold during the 80s/early90s was one of the most bankable actors in Hollywood next to Eddie Murphy. His stoic personality made Terminator and True Lies, Cameron utilized that to his full potential.
Titanic wasnot my cup of tea.
Btw Didn't Cameron ripped off several writers, notability Sophia Steward's The Third Eye for Terminator?? Hack job? That's why he was overrated. I heard the rumor about being paid royalities from the Matrix and Terminator franchise was false tho, but I would like to know if he really ripped her story off and others as well.