I was looking for this
Thanks breh..Skills > techniques
I mean there are all kinds chants, sounds, crystals/stones that can help you but what you really need to learn is a few essential skills. If you read that book by Sagan you'll notice he says "no visualizations, just awareness". It sounds simple because it is. Complicating it any further is for entertainment value.
Once you have tactile awareness and can move and localize your consciousness through out the body, you'll begin to understand the mechanics of moving/projecting it elsewhere.
What i may do later tonight is just kinda put together a little toolkit for you of things that kinda helped me out.
Thanks breh..
Someone earlier in this thread described a feeling of "understanding everything and having absolutely no worries"
The only time I ever experienced something like that was when I was tripping on goddamn DXM back in high school...
I'd love to try and access that feeling naturally.
what was the 10th day like breh
in detail :lupe2:
think globalSo lets hear some techniques for beginners to explore opening their 3rd eye, without drugs...