Since folks have to hear it from celebrities to consider things correct.

Since folks have to hear it from celebrities to consider things correct.
Since folks have to hear it from celebrities to consider things correct.
So here’s a sentence you’d never hear… “the NBA is ARGUABLY the best basketball league in the world.” Everyone keeps ignoring the fact that there is SIGNIFICANTLY more parity between the soccer leagues than the basketball ones. The Premier league is one of the best soccer leagues in the world. But if you listed the top 50 soccer players in the world right now, you’d probably be hard pressed to get to 15 Premier league players.
Furthermore, they were all pretty much concentrated to the top teams of those other countries. The NBA equivalent would be if all the best NBA players played for about 6-8 different non us club teams, you’d be able to justifiably wonder who the best basketball team in the world is. For comparison, the best non nba basketball player in the world would not crack the top 100 basketball players in the world. Maybe even 150.
Everyone’s point that disagrees with Noah’s premise is that we don’t need to see it be played out. You can use the laws of deductive reasoning to come to the conclusion that the Denver nuggets would beat every other club team in the world. When we just know for a fact that guys like KCP and Reggie Jackson, would dominate the Spanish ACB (regarded as the second best basketball league in the world)