King Kreole
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"Pure communism" Communism is a stateless, classless society. Stalinism isn't communism, it isn't even socialism. Maoist China wasn't communist, you could argue it had some socialist aspects... Communism is something that exists on the horizon of socialism (worker ownership and management of the means of production). This isn't a matter of separating theory and implementation; if you're referring to societies that did not even have worker ownership and management of the means of production, how can they be socialist? It isn't a matter of "pure this" and "pure that."
The difference between "crony capitalism" and the sort advocated by right-wing "libertarians" is the difference between the interests of small/medium-sized business owners and big business owners. It's a struggle within the bourgeoisie for power over capital. But the smaller business owners switch it up real quick when that enterprise becomes bigger
Please show where communism is genocidal or racist
Just because a political party or regime says it is something, does not make it so. Rachel Dolezal has a stronger claim to being Black than Stalin did to being a socialist or communist. Is Dolezal Black?
When I refer to "pure communism" i'm referring to ideology, not practice. It's reasonable to believe that the Soviet Union and China never achieved "true" communism, my question is why that is? My hypothesis is that it's not possible because of certain, endemic factors in humanity. I think it's better to work with those factors to create a society that is as progressive and prosperous. To keep pining for this hypothetical eden is foolish, especially when we've tried it and it's almost always ending in total disaster. Also, the Soviet Union didn't have worker ownership and management of production? This is the first time i've heard someone claim that the Soviet Collectivization process is a myth.
Of course the battle over crony capitalism is between small business owners/purists and big business owners/bureaucrats. The small business owners have more to gain from a competitive marketplace than big business guys. It's up to the government to enforce the fair play rules. Naturally, when the small business owners become big business owners, they will flip and try to rig the market for their own interest. Yet again, a strong system is needed to enforce the rules. This is all acknowledged and built into capitalistic theory.
It's not so much Communism that is genocidal/racist, it's the regimes that attempt to implement it that invariably become so. Can you name one medium-to-large scale historical civilization or society that you would consider truly on the way to communism, or is this something that is going to be perpetually out of reach? And if it's the latter, perhaps we should think about why it is so.