Whole Foods' Co-Founder John Mackey: "Why Intellectuals Hate Capitalism"


May 3, 2012
Run Thru U Like Skattebo
the biggest opponents to limitless capitalism are people raising actual problems with numbers and facts, not intellectuals saying that it unfairly uplifts commoners out of their lowly status. americans dont even have a history of nobility to draw from. what kind of fukkboy shyt is this?


You either build or destroy.
Jul 23, 2015
1804/NY 2 BR
My opinion on the video is he made some "interesting" viewpoints and I'll address some of them:
1. Intellectuals have always been the aristocrats. If any one has any solid proof of this, I'd REALLY love to see it.
2. If we had a true free market society then it would rightfully determine wages. As a couple of posters in here have already mentioned, one of the strengths in capitalism is it's inherent selfishness, which supposedly, is inherent in all human beings. The problem is that in glorifying one facet of this system, you also reveal it's eternal downfall. Any system that glorifies selfishness will eventually lead to any person, corporation, etc., to bulldoze any restraints that prevent them from maximizing their success, read profit. So, if we had no government constraints, these corporations would give the least amount of wages possible in order to maximize their profits, because as we have already established, self interest is the game, right?

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
My opinion on the video is he made some "interesting" viewpoints and I'll address some of them:
1. Intellectuals have always been the aristocrats. If any one has any solid proof of this, I'd REALLY love to see it.
2. If we had a true free market society then it would rightfully determine wages. As a couple of posters in here have already mentioned, one of the strengths in capitalism is it's inherent selfishness, which supposedly, is inherent in all human beings. The problem is that in glorifying one facet of this system, you also reveal it's eternal downfall. Any system that glorifies selfishness will eventually lead to any person, corporation, etc., to bulldoze any restraints that prevent them from maximizing their success, read profit. So, if we had no government constraints, these corporations would give the least amount of wages possible in order to maximize their profits, because as we have already established, self interest is the game, right?
1. Are you aware of the student debt crisis? Do you know how much it costs to go to University? How many poverty stricken professors have you heard of? Education has historically been a luxury afforded to the elite, because peasants had to worry about putting food in their mouthes as opposed to the learning the latest philosophical treatise. Most intellectuals throughout history have come from the aristocracy. It was in fact the gains capitalism brought our society that allowed the average person to be freed from the constraints of basic necessities and pursue education.

2. Ok let's look at your hypothetical free market society. Corporation A is paying their workers the least amount of wages possible in order to maximize profits. I look at Industry A and think ":jbhmm: this is a profitable industry. I think i'll enter it, offer a wage slightly higher than Corporation A, get their best workers, and build a better Product A, thus increasing my market share and raising profits." Corporation A obviously isn't going down with a fight, so they try to entice their workers by stay on by upping their compensation. Thus we have the bidding war , necessarily raising the wages of workers in Industry A. A competitive free marketplace is beneficial for the consumers, who get a better product, and the workers, whose get competitive wages. And it is my greed that drives me to offer the best workers a higher wage and give the public a better product. Government constraints are needed to protect the public from my greed becoming criminal (hiding the ingredients in my product, threatening workers to dissuade them from leaving, forming cartels to force out competitors, etc). But as long as I have a discerning, informed populace and a well regulated marketplace, a self-interested producer is a boon to a productive and progressive society.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
i spit at you disgusting bourgeoisie devils. capitalism is a evil murderous system, anyone that knowingly participates in it is a cannibal. WORKERS OFF ALL LANDS UNITE! ☭

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
i spit at you disgusting bourgeoisie devils. capitalism is a evil murderous system, anyone that actively participates in it is a cannibal. WORKERS OFF ALL LANDS UNITE! ☭

fukking child murdering cannibal b*stard. greedy capitalist scum. bloody flesh eating pervert.



Jan 31, 2015
It's not just intellectuals. It's musicians, artists, writers and poets or and academics.

As a musician, and so-called backpacker, I was almost drawn in to hating capitalism.

I was so involved in so-called real hip-hop, and would get so upset that people like Jay-z or Puffy daddy made so much money or were so popular. I thought their music was so shallow and dull compared to the underground. then I succumbed to words like "commercialized" and "sell-out". It was all rooted in envy and being a hater. In any hardcore fan scene, people begin formulate their own rules and standards of what is good. Then they begin look down those who don't conform.

At the end of the day, capitalism tends cater to the broader demographic. Music is such a good example because in colleges, intellectuals create all these rules of what is "good music". However, business savvy musicians have a different opinion of what is "good music". But, In contrast to the intellectual musicians, the business savvy musicians have a huge fan base and make huge amounts of money. The question remains: who really knows what makes "good music"? Quantitatively, based on sales data, it's the business savvy Musicians who win out.

Capitalism speaks to the will of the people. it's a majority-rules system by default. It's a system where pure objectivity is possible. Value, skills, art, music, human worth... all can be objectively assessed by financial personnel and accountants. Intellectuals hate that. They hate objective measures because it challenges their own perceived level of superiority.

Sociologist think they understand humans and human culture because they study it. But do they? has sociology lead to great leaps in sales and marketing? No. However, sales and marketing personnel have an objective measure constantly assessing their ability to understand humans and manipulate them--profit. The salesman knows more humans than any Doctorate in sociology or anthropology.
So u where a BACK PACK RAPPER(Musician)....Who SUDDENLY SAW THE LIGHT :comeon:and the error of his ways and made a complete 180 TO THE MINDSET OF JOHN D ROCKEFELLER...man GTFOH :camby:...first of all THIS IS NOT A DRAKE THREAD...get off the corporate music shyt:rudy:, the best music has never been "quantified" by album sales...JZ's REASONABLE DOUBT vs JZ's Kingdom Come ....it's Reasonable Doubt hands down...but part of CORNY CAPITALISM's goal (which u clearly support) is to dull the audience into idiots that buy whatever capitalism can market best...thereby attempting to give marketeers control over the music economy at large, the artist buys into the bullshyt you kickin in your post and now we don't get material from the artist alone but also with your corny corporate hands in the mix. FUKK THAT AND FUKK THAT SHYT YOU TRYIN TO KICK:pacspit:

We know better BISH :ufdup: