batman already beat up captain america.
Actually he didn't beat up Cap..
in the Marvel vs DC comic, Batman barely won.. he used the water in the sewers to his advantage and then the results of that comic were FAN VOTED so we can't really justify that...
now in the second image, which is from JLA/Avengers, its more realistic just like the fight was in that Batman/Captain America comic set in the 40s. 1 on 1 they're dead even except Cap has that super soldier sh*t.
If I HAD to guess who'd win, I'd say Batman but it'd be damn close.

at ppl who think just cuz Batman has the most Ws ever that he's just gonna walk over Cap... Deathstroke even beat Batman before
Against aliens and Gods, yeah Batman's gonna win, no question bout dat but against a n*gga that's like his equal?
