Because Trump will lose. After his 4 years and 1/6 he won’t even be president again.
i don't know anymore.... i once said that trump couldn't win the nomination for 2024, but now i'm thinking he's inevitably the rep nominee and overall winner in 2024......
everybody i know, i don't care their demographics or politics, thinks biden is seconds away from death.... i don't know why, but no one thinks he's going to make it through the week, let alone until 2024... yet, NO ONE i know thinks trump is old, frail, or senile.... they see a young vital spring chicken in trump.... even if they disagree with him, they still see a strong powerful man worthy of respect....
that's a mountain to overcome... anything biden does makes everybody fuming mad... trump, ehh, he might upset some people over here or some over there, but he also excites his base who worship at his altar.....
i'm starting to think this is just a hardcore conservative nation..... they would have been fine with a mild mannered, well behaved trump... trump was just so outrageous and fumbled the pandemic, but even with that, still barely lost reelection.... no one really wanted biden, trump was just barely intolerable... it will be especially bad for biden if he can't get the pandemic under control because people will just conclude that no one could have done any better with the pandemic so why did they give everything they'd loved about trump to fix the unfix-able.... ughh...
trump doesn't know this but if he acted just a tad more dignified he'd probably win 40 states in 2024... this country wears a lot of facades, but a liberal nation this is not....