I’d like to hear an explanation as to why Lethal, Hobbs, Starks, Swerve or Lee aren’t in this tournament but Sammy, Darby and Jericho are.
Jay lethal is mid breh, he loses big matches, he isn't entertaining unless he's imitating another more famous wrestler and doesn't pop the crowd when he comes out....and nobody seems to wanna admit this.
He's right where he belongs
Hobbs is a decent big man but he ain't even reached Wardlow level yet as a monster, doesn't pop the crowd and hasn't won any matches or feuds that warrant him being in the tournament....
He's right where he belongs.
Starks has the presentation, the look, the skill and pops the crowd.....but is unproven and the FTW belt did nothing for him as a champion. He, like Hobbs need to be fighting Wardlow for the midcard belt, not winning the world title....not ready yet.
Swerve and Lee are both dudes that can be inserted into the world title picture....but both are unproven commodities when it comes to being the Face of a pro wrestling company as it's champion.
I could see either one of those guys winning the world title and the crowd being like
fighting the acclaimed and winning when the crowd didn't want them too should be evidence enough, Swerve and Lee aren't AEW originals and they can't really say that they are huge stars neither....why put them in the world title scene?
Darby and Sammy are AEW originals who been down since day one and have gotten big crowd reactions the entire time... they should get the rub based on that alone.
And well Jericho is Jericho breh, washed or not he's still the biggest name in AEW