Sentry fought Galactus and it was a draw. So yeah....he'd wreck Silver Surfer. And he fought Hulk until he turned back into Banner....that is about as close as you get to "beating" Hulk.
Also, he's 100% unkillable. Any massive damage that would result in his death is negated in seconds. He can't even kill himself.
You're NUTS

No damn Sentry tied no Galactus. The Hulk KNOCKED His ass out...clean.
No...Hulk has been beaten. The Surfer has humilated him with ease. Apocalypse held him down like a child once. The Juggernaut knocked him out.
The Bendis handjob for Sentry was only gonna last as long as Thor was out of commission and he never beat anyone A-List. Nate Grey brought up how he and Sentry were roaming the cosmos facing rogue heralds and he got scared and ran away

Scarlet Witch made him her own personal puppet in House of M.