Who is the most powerful superhero?


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
Let's see: The Sentry didn't beat the Hulk and most of the things he did beat weren't against top list characters. He ripped Ares in half? So what. Who is Ares compared to Thor or Silver Surfer? Generally the most powerful heroe in comics is the Silver Surfer unless it's a upgraded Thor who has the Odinforce which was the start of the King Thor era for awhile where he was a skyfather.

Surfer can solo the JLA with ease and in truth can humilate most characters on earth or otherwise with the exception of Thanos, Tyrant, Galactus, or Scarlet Witch from the last few years.

Sentry fought Galactus and it was a draw. So yeah....he'd wreck Silver Surfer. And he fought Hulk until he turned back into Banner....that is about as close as you get to "beating" Hulk.

Also, he's 100% unkillable. Any massive damage that would result in his death is negated in seconds. He can't even kill himself.



May 1, 2012
ehh I don't read comic books, and I've never watched Dragon Ball Z(That is where goku is from right?) so :manny: with that said ain't nobody fukking with Superman...........when he ain't holding back :king:


Jackson LeRoy Briggs

You think you bad? You ain't bad!
May 1, 2012
List is dogshyt, your gonna have Aquaman and Flash on a most powerful list :childplease:
Aquaman is lower tier, but how you gonna dismiss the Flash ::wtb:

they've straight up said that because he's hitting so fast it feels like he's hitting as hard as Superman or Wonder Woman.

its gotten so crazy with him that he can absorb other people's speed if he needs to, or vibrate his body through things and blow them up...dude vibrated a plane through a bridge and that was just when he was still learning :damn:
May 1, 2012
206 & 734
In terms of FEATS....NOBODY is fukking with flash outside of precrisis superman. Dude has outraced death and resurrected people and himself with the flashforce, a kiss from barry allen deaded the control of anti-life....dude can travel thru time and is immortal...
May 1, 2012
206 & 734
Why i say, beyond reality changing dudes, its flash:

The Speed Force serves as the ultimate measure of velocity in the DC Universe. It introduced several "new" powers/implications to Flash and other Speed Force-powered persons. Some already existed during the Silver Age, but were either unexplained or rationalized as molecular/vibrational control and later retconned into manifestations of the Speed Force.

Infinite mass punch - Introduced in Grant Morrison's JLA title. Flash (Wally West), traveling near the speed of light acquired the relativistic mass of such speed to impart blows which could hit with the force of "a white dwarf star," enabling him to knock down such powerful foes as the White Martians with a single punch. Flash's own durability is regulated by the Speed Force in such cases.

Speed lend/steal - Perhaps his most versatile new power. Because the Speed Force governed all motion, Wally could rob objects of their kinetic energy, motion, or momentum (e.g., bullets in flight or turning a supervillain into a statue) and use the energy to accelerate himself even faster. He could similarly lend speed to inanimate objects or allies, enabling them to temporarily travel nearly as fast as himself. Bart Allen's future self is shown to also have this ability in the Teen Titans Titans Tomorrow story arc.

Metabolize wounds - Accelerating his healing factor while using the Speed Force to sustain him, he could heal from grievous injury without prematurely aging like his counterpart from another reality, Walter West. Related to the ability above, Wally would serve as the "team medic," healing other team members by accelerating their healing factors (without prematurely aging them).[volume*&*issue*needed]

Constructs - Wally discovered that if he concentrated, the Speed Force could be used to create solid constructs. The first time he used this ability was to create a solid armor enabling him to run despite having broken legs. Later examples included sealing up the openings of his costume against disease, creating pockets for holding things, etc. In JLA, when shot by Prometheus, his suit displayed bullet-resistant properties.[volume*&*issue*needed] Most recently, it was used to repair the damage done to the various speedsters' costumes, allowing Wally to change his uniform; Jesse Quick to take up the uniform of her father, Johnny Quick; and Wally's daughter, Iris, to become the new Impulse.[3]

Shield - Exhibited by Savitar, whose mastery of the Speed Force allowed him to reflect objects away from himself.

Flight - Exhibited by Johnny Quick and his daughter, Jesse Quick; the only speedsters known to exhibit this ability. However, all speedsters traveling faster than escape-velocity exhibit "inverse flight".

ESP - Exhibited by Max Mercury, whose communion with the Speed Force allows him to detect the motion of any object in the world, and especially to perceive other speedsters. Wally West exhibited a similar ability which allowed him to perceive Linda across time and space due to the strength of their bond.

Total recall - Exhibited by Bart Allen, who can retain everything he speed-reads (in contrast to other speedsters, who only retain the information temporarily).

Speed scouts - Exhibited by Bart Allen, who can create Speed Force-duplicates of himself that, due to the timeless nature of the Speed Force, can travel forwards and backwards through time. They can also manipulate objects or merge their consciousness with Bart, informing him of their actions. However, after one of his Speed Scouts was killed, Bart was thrown into a coma and hasn't used the ability since.

Speed control - Traveling at any speed one believes they can move at.

Negate Anti-Life Equation - Not yet explained, but it is seen in Final Crisis #4 when Barry Allen kissed his wife, who was under the control of Anti-Life, and the Speed Force surrounded her and she regained her free will.[4]

Muscle growth - Exhibited by Jai West, who has the power to speed up the growth of his muscles, temporarily giving him super strength, but causing him to be exhausted after a short time.

Intangibility/Self-molecular control - Exhibited by Barry Allen, Bart Allen, and Iris West. Their total control of kinetic energy at a molecular level allows them to match the vibrational frequency needed to travel easily into and through solid matter. Wally West has this ability, too, but with less control, so solid matter usually explodes when coming in contact with him. When Bart Allen internalized the Speed Force into himself, he too showed difficulty with this ability, melting matter if not concentrating enough. Iris' control is as effortless as Barry's, but unlike his, it is somewhat unstable. As an offensive ability, it can be used to scramble one's molecular structure to the point of literal disintegration.
