So tyler perry is not a c00n?
his movies is the exact modern day depiction of a minstrel shows, especially madea.
ah these are entertainers and athletes, putting the burden on them is counter productive, these people are considered the best in their professions, i would say they should inspire us to work hard to get to the success level they have. When i look at them i do not see c00ns , just hard working blacks who made it, i don't need them to speak out on violence or injustice which is right in-front of me, i can chose to avoid the traps set in my path and help others in my situation succeed by avoiding those same traps. There are people who hate us, they want you to hate the winners of our race, divide and conquer. Help a man who ask you for it, that is the only way we can grow, not hating guys who "made it".So much power and influence, but too scared to say what needs to be said in the black community in fear of offending powerful CACs = c00n.
Notice how these c00ns never say anything controversial?