Kang Deezy
Overall Nice Guy
It should be Daniel Bryan easily but aside from an excellent start to Team Hell No they've been burying him ever since.
Who said anything about marks? Im talking about favoring an entertaining, quality, intelligent wrestling product over corny kid's shyt. On top of that, the marks usually side with the 10 year olds.Caring about the paying customer >>>> #TeamItsStillRealToMeDammit
It should be Daniel Bryan easily but aside from an excellent start to Team Hell No they've been burying him ever since.
You skipped over when I said "make the best of what booking gives you." I didn't say anything about a brass rings because Sheamus doesn't need it. He was set from the beginning.
You sound like HHH talking about going out and grabbing "that brass ring."
Lucci Vee, stop posting your fake news. You're terrible at it. Leave that to me and Meester.
You skipped over when I said "make the best of what booking gives you." I didn't say anything about a brass rings because Sheamus doesn't need it. He was set from the beginning.
He's already in the main eventNo. That's what I was referring to. You act as if talent is supposed to turn something like the Funkasauras into a main event contender through sheer force of will. It's ridiculous. Just like how HHH's brass ring comment.
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according to people in this thread.