Totally disagree with HHH being a mark at all though. Everything that he did, he didnt do it out of delusion that he is a wrestling god or that he deserves to be THE guy... everything he did was to move himself to the most advantageous position as a businessman and it worked.
Nah..u kids are losing track of reality. Cripple H was burying motherfukkers left and right. Never liked to lose. U couldn't pay him to say a good thing about Rock or Warrior for a long time. He was phased down when Cena got company pushed over him in 2006. He really thought he was in the Rock/Austin tier. He knows better now but he fought that perception for a long time.
I voted for Bret...but I forgot about Goldberg
idk man i keep thinking about that "sgt pepper jacket" shrine and painting of himself that bret has according to scott hall and othersThe poll results would be drastically different by the end of this year. Bret wouldn't even be considered by anyone. Punk would have more votes, and Hogan may win because people still mad and he may return.
HHH just passed bret for real
His Heat With HHH:: “Me and Hunter had many conversations in that last year, and they were quite heated at times. And I would tell him: it's not about the money and he goes: it sounds like it’s completely about the money. No, and he finally understood when we were finally done our last talk. It was about creative and it was about limiting me as a brand because I am responsible for my brand, the Ryback brand, the Feed Me More brand, that I believe so strongly in, and when I’m told that I have to go out there and lose in two minutes or not have any buildup for a pay-per-view match, which happened time and time again, when I’m not given opportunities to do promos and be myself that’s what truly bothers me.”