Tres Leches
Empire Business
Hoegan is last that’s all I know 

No way, you are all off. Its Austin.
Vince called him the greatest wwe superstar of all time.
Stone Cold and it's not even close. They made it easy for Rock to distance himself when they let his contract run out, and it also didn't help when they made it a point to mention how much more Stone Cold meant to wrestling than Rock did.Cena followed by Austin, Hogan (he didnt snitch), Rock (disappeared and ignored his E past)
When has Vince cared about bad blood? Stone Cold making the WWF as mainstream as he did during his reign is all Vince ever wanted. Cena's 15yrs don't even compare to Stone Cold's ridiculous 3yr window.Too much bad blood from 2002 for it to be Austin, his highs with Austin are probably his favorite but overall it has to be Cena.
15 years of basically never missing time unless he was hurt, and he didn't "leave the nest" until it was more than justified.
Triple H