My recaps gonna double-up the two late games so no recap for last night’s game but…a quick mention on what worked and what I’m looking for in this second game:
- rotation down to 9 and everyone had better rhythm for it
- passing lane defense was way better, don’t just look at the steals and reflections too. Watch how often a shooter didn’t catch the ball in their sweet spot bc a passer had to adjust their angle. That small stuff can really make a difference!
- Also watch the quick outlets in this game. Rebounders didn’t dribble up themselves as often, but ripped passes to half court right away and the team thrived in those quick set-ups.
- the Jazz not having rim protection helped. This team is so much better inside-out than reversed.
- IQ, Obi, and Sims were massive off the bench.
- cam and Brunson were epic for the starters.