the only way I could see them killing rick is if they had developed carl a lot more so he could take rick's place as the new face of the show. it could actually be dope to see carl transform into "psycho coral" after rick gets murdered, but he's just not a good enough actor to fill out that spot. none of these other people on the show are capable of holding down the lead role. and the glimpse of brown hair doesn't really mean anything. the show runners know exactly what they're doing with these previews...they always use em to sike people out.
Glenn also isn't built to be leader. he just got the heart to kill for the first time. he's not a leader, he's a role player. majority of the viewers watch this show to see "rick and co".....whenever they have episodes showcasing a group not running with rick, the shyt is

......I mean, rick getting killed COULD happen, but it would be a big mistake. these other characters just aren't interesting enough. and from what we've seen the entire duration of the show, thes show runners just don't have the guts to kill off fan favorites like that. they always play it safe. this time I do think one fan favorite will get it, but it's definitely not gonna be the face of the show. these show runners just don't have it in em.