"White women are more oppressed than Black women" ~ Tariq Nasheed


All Star
Mar 8, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Let's not act holier than thou. I don't watch bullshyt that obviously misinformed and base. Ignorance would assume that I know nothing about the topic nor the person speaking when those are the EXACT reasons why I've chosen not to watch the video. Whatever the case might be, it doesn't invalidate what I said. That's not pride-it's a fact.

If you don't have anything to contribute to what I said regarding my feelings on the post, then you ought to keep quiet and take your own words to heart.

This is what I'm talking about. How are you going to tell me that I should contribute to what you said, and you did not even listen to the video? So, in other words, you won't listen and respond to what he actually said, but you want people to take what you say seriously?

If you're not listening to the video, You're strictly responding with your emotions

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
What has he really accomplished? Don't get emotional, actually think about it.

I disagree with that statement as well. But this topic isn't about that. Let's not try and deflect.

Basically he's self made, never kissed snyones ass to get anything, no education, street dude failed rspper, supposedly a pimp or hustler which probably isn't true I don't he pimped girls.


In today's society he never went to white daddy for a dollar of course to get his books published he went to white daddy but he always said they'd offer him more if it's more appealing to black women and he declined the offer.

Afe is on his side he's pushing 50 probably but he adapted to the times when he wrote books on how to be a player he was single, dropped the Mack image when he got into hidden colors and got a wife. He knows how to move.

These days he's pretty hatred by the intellectual black class of liberals because he got his money from the street and that freedom is why he speaks so bluntly about race today he doesn't have to bit his tongue.

So basically book wrote, gives lectures, talk show host and film maker.

All black all independent so yeah he did something.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
I don't think he was trolling since his wife is biracial.
i now fully understand why black women hate this nikka.. he was definitely on one :pachaha:

this nikka was not trolling. he was going IN this whole time. my man even named halle berry as one of the "best types" of black women. janet too. oh ain't they the bedwenches he talks about nowadays? :jbhmm:

then he went on a straight tirade about fat black women... saying "black men liking big women is a lie and bullshyt.. broke men like big women" :patrice:

but what really stands out is "isn't that the stereotype.. that a black man gets money and goes and gets a white woman or skinny broad?............ YES... cause he wants a dime... and that's a fact" :mjpls:


May 1, 2012
"Black women didn't have it too bad during slavery" ~ Tariq Nasheed

"There was never a successful slave revolt because Black women generally snitched" ~ Tariq Nasheed

Whats the point of lying about dude’s comments while posting the clip proving that you’re lying at the same time? He didn’t say that black someb didn’t have it too bad during slavery, he said that some of the bedwenches didn’t have it too bad. Think back to the bedwench character in Django for an example of the type of black woman that he was talking about. Sadly, a lot of blacks would rather be comfortable on the plantation rather than take the chance/risk on fighting for true freedom. It’s just a fact that a lot of the space revolts were foiled due to snitching by bedwenches and c00ns. You haven’t offered any credible arguments against what he said, you’re just mad that he said it.

The truth in a lot of what he’s saying in these clips is playing out today in 2018 as we speak. What are the bedwench feminists doing today? They’re sabotaging the black community from within waiting on any and every opportunity to side with white supremacy against black men. The black feminist/gay intersectional crowd has declared war on straight black men. Look at his situation cyn g. She talks all of that “white devil” shyt yet what’s the first thing she does when she gets into it with a black man? She threatens to run right to white daddy and his racist court system to snitch for back up. This is what Tariq was talking about 10+ years ago in these clips. It’s not all black women that fit the description in those quotes, but it’s far too many and we’ve given them a pass for far too long.

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
Y'all won't get it and explaining to black women is pointless because it's reacting emotions without logic.

Tariq made these comments years ago at least 8 or 9 but back when Myspace was popping.

Also i don't think anyone understands what he said.

From childhood most of us men strictly answer to women, some of us grow up emasculated and weak from how we answered to females.

It's gonna harbor some resentment seeing women in the community have that much power to some men it's not a excuse but a reality.

Tariq doesn't hate black women but like a lot of dudes they see a patterns and speaking on it labels them c00ning.

I asked a question earlier who is the white female equal to Oprah? Look how Oprah hustled and find me her close cac competitor?

I probably say Martha Stewart and she got thrown in jail. White men need control you cannot compare white females to black females white women have nothing without white men black females can stand on their own if they hustle enough.

White women can pop crap and call white daddy to end you that is a privilege but that's comes at a price.

I think black women have a lower prison rate than white women do now.

Y'all just emotional because honestly black female victimization is a sort of way to stay on code for black women so you do it and call these who call you out crazy or c00n but it's really the truth.

White women are a damsel in distress yes it's true but white men give them that privilege.

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
If you really wanna get real Tariq is saying bw don't wanna sacrifice for their betterment of the community And men are more likely to get on code and women by nature tend to not concern with the racial issues like men do and he's right throughout history all women tend to be free thinkers concerned about what's best for them.

Truth be told black males are the only ones who never could control our women because we weren't allowed to build anything for them to respect us and that's playing out today.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
If you really wanna get real Tariq is saying bw don't wanna sacrifice for their betterment of the community And men are more likely to get on code and women by nature tend to not concern with the racial issues like men do and he's right throughout history all women tend to be free thinkers concerned about what's best for them.

Truth be told black males are the only ones who never could control our women because we weren't allowed to build anything for them to respect us and that's playing out today.

Y'all gotta be trolling

Black women on code more than the men

Hardest Since MC Ren

Kizz My Black Azz
Aug 4, 2012
That's a common theme among women across racial lines. Remember: Most proxy violence is intraracial. 90% of the time the woman gets away with it.
Would you like receipts about setups or nah? There are several threads here and no matter the race of the broad, the dead black man took the blame.
Gender-first politics and thinking isn't a black MAN'S game, but you can keep signaling for daps from those who do benefit from those table crumbs, "sir".
always :cape: for your white baby mama

did you play with your lil cac baby today?


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
Basically he's self made, never kissed snyones ass to get anything, no education, street dude failed rspper, supposedly a pimp or hustler which probably isn't true I don't he pimped girls.


In today's society he never went to white daddy for a dollar of course to get his books published he went to white daddy but he always said they'd offer him more if it's more appealing to black women and he declined the offer.

Afe is on his side he's pushing 50 probably but he adapted to the times when he wrote books on how to be a player he was single, dropped the Mack image when he got into hidden colors and got a wife. He knows how to move.

These days he's pretty hatred by the intellectual black class of liberals because he got his money from the street and that freedom is why he speaks so bluntly about race today he doesn't have to bit his tongue.

So basically book wrote, gives lectures, talk show host and film maker.

All black all independent so yeah he did something.

For himself, but he claims he is "pro-Black" or about "Black empowerment" and chides other Blacks for not doing enough, what has he done for Black people?

Please don't say, "he produced DVDs".

Whats the point of lying about dude’s comments while posting the clip proving that you’re lying at the same time? He didn’t say that black someb didn’t have it too bad during slavery, he said that some of the bedwenches didn’t have it too bad. Think back to the bedwench character in Django for an example of the type of black woman that he was talking about. Sadly, a lot of blacks would rather be comfortable on the plantation rather than take the chance/risk on fighting for true freedom. It’s just a fact that a lot of the space revolts were foiled due to snitching by bedwenches and c00ns. You haven’t offered any credible arguments against what he said, you’re just mad that he said it.

The truth in a lot of what he’s saying in these clips is playing out today in 2018 as we speak. What are the bedwench feminists doing today? They’re sabotaging the black community from within waiting on any and every opportunity to side with white supremacy against black men. The black feminist/gay intersectional crowd has declared war on straight black men. Look at his situation cyn g. She talks all of that “white devil” shyt yet what’s the first thing she does when she gets into it with a black man? She threatens to run right to white daddy and his racist court system to snitch for back up. This is what Tariq was talking about 10+ years ago in these clips. It’s not all black women that fit the description in those quotes, but it’s far too many and we’ve given them a pass for far too long.

"Because during slavery a lot of these sistas had to make a choice whenever a revolt was being planned. Like damn, should I go out here and revolt and possibly get killed - because these nikkas don't know where they goin' - or should I stay in this house with massa? At-least I'm being clothed, at-least I'm being fed; Massa gets to fukk me every now and then which ain't too bad... So, I just think I'll tell on these nikkas. And that's how basically a lot of the dynamics would play out. " ~ Tariq Nasheed

The part that is underlined and red is quite interesting to me.

The rest of your post is just pure and utter trash. You aren't a man at all. :scust:
Jan 3, 2018
I actually remember one black guy in college tried to say to me how white women have been oppressed just like black men.

I nearly smacked the black off of him after he said that. Now that I remember, he was a strong advocate for PAWGin so that was his justification for it.

He genuinely felt he had more in common with white women than black women, as they could understand the black man’s struggle more. :what:

It’s this mentality that destroys us from the inside out. Both black men and women who do this are dangerous.

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
Y'all gotta be trolling

Black women on code more than the men

Much more black women than black men first of all. Second yeah they in code but that code doesn't guarantee you anything, third they hustle them books very good and acknowledge their blackness but do they challenge white men? I'm speaking the ones with power?

Of course some sisters love their brothers but they higher the education they less the chance they agree with you and we both know poor people have no voice.
Apr 30, 2012
Wow. How could anyone say this and talk about the dangers of white supremacy for Blackfolks, without juelzing?

But as usual, more caping for Tariq from the same mofos
there're very few things more pathetic than nikkas thinking they're proving their Blackness/realness by blindly supporting and not holding their favorite woke nikka accountable, while working overtime to tear down other woke nikkas they don't like


bubu this was before hidden colors/before he was woke....cape for the nikka that would post old,current, and future dirt on anyone he has beef with...the nikka slang stereotypes when it benefited him and back tracked when he was pressed

So I expect him to backtrack these comments if he ever gets pressed

The sucker shyt is the amount of capeing you doing. You couldn't even be man enough to admit like with most of us, we didn't know or care about Michelle Williams engagement or who her husband was, until Tariq mentioned it.
When was the last Michelle Williams thread made on here?

I fawks with Tariq but nobody is above accountability

So let's see where we are with you Tariq worshippers...You nikkas cape for Tariq to
-keep pedo info secret until he has beefs
-could remix the words koon and white supremacist to reflect those who don't like his music
-make music, which originally yall thought he was trolling and wasn't feeling it, until he said he was serious
-use phrases like "suspected white supremacist" to avoid applying it to his favorite cacs
-and now you capeing for a non-story about a bytch most of us dont care about. And you're getting geeked with the "exposure" of her white hubby? which wouldn't be a surprise to anyone that correctly used the term white supremacist
-promote that White woman is more oppressed than Black woman, while constantly talmbowt the dangers and problems faced by Blackfolks in a white supremacist world

I can't co-sign dyck riding another man. You worshiping nikkas obviously think you're doing something positive by capeing for everything he does, but you not, you're doing more damage