"White women are more oppressed than Black women" ~ Tariq Nasheed


Feb 12, 2015
This is/was a disgusting thread. Black chicks get raped, go missing and nobody blinks an eye.

A white woman goes to Africa, kills dozens of children playing doctor, cries and probably will never get any consequences.

c00ning is a disease.
Please tell Emmit Till about how powerless a white woman is.


That worthless bytch was never persecuted.
Ohio Mom Jailed for Sending Kids to Better School District

Don’t fukking @ me.


All Star
May 17, 2012
Trenton, New Jerz
So you think WW would like to switch places with BW then, since BW are so free and WW are so oppressed?:jbhmm:

His point went completely over your head.

Of course they wouldn’t. They still have white privileged backing them. It’s just that the pillar of it is white men. They dictate.

With Black people, it’s the complete opposite. Now more then ever in History, Sisters are the most vocal, and Black men have never aimed to oppress black women. We salute Black women for prospering through all the B.S. that life brings our way.


Nov 17, 2016
This is/was a disgusting thread. Black chicks get raped, go missing and nobody blinks an eye.

A white woman goes to Africa, kills dozens of children playing doctor, cries and probably will never get any consequences.

c00ning is a disease.
Please tell Emmit Till about how powerless a white woman is.


That worthless bytch was never persecuted.
Ohio Mom Jailed for Sending Kids to Better School District

Don’t fukking @ me.
Didn't you say one time that Tariq is a cute man and you would love to marry someone like him?

I could swear you said that:patrice:


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
So you think WW would like to switch places with BW then, since BW are so free and WW are so oppressed?:jbhmm:

:sas1: I want to know too. All
These brehs saying pawgs are more oppressed should answer this question honestly. And then explain why they believe ww are more oppressed when the average WW has more wealth than bw, white privilege, are often treated like victims and damsels in distress in this country, far more than any race of women.

They’re the easiest women to bed, most are slutty when they’re young. Yet they still get married and pretend the slut phase never happened. Their men do too. Nearly every race of men puts them on a pedestal. They are more likely to be married. And if they can’t marry WM, with all these other ethnic groups placing them on a pedestal even the most average looking WW will find a mate of any race that is willing to marry her.

They’re images are everywhere in the media. As little girls studies have shown that white girls get treated much better than black girls. I mean it’s endless the benefits they have and yet they are somehow more oppressed? Even they don’t believe that. They would never want to trade places bw, trust that.

It’s sad and sickening to see that there are actually BM that believe this about WW. I get that a lot of y’all are pawgset, but don’t forget who there fathers are. They benefit from the privilege and power their men have in this country. Tell me in what ways are BW less oppressed based on this? We earn less, have less wealth, face racism, discrimination and sexism, we are least likely to be married, we have the highest number of single mother households, even with degrees we make less. We are depicted negatively in the media. Where exactly have we benefited compared to WW? I’ll wait.
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Feb 12, 2015
Didn't you say one time that Tariq is a cute man and you would love to marry someone like him?

I could swear you said that:patrice:
I SERIOUSLY doubt that. I didn’t even know who he was before this site. Everything I know about this dude came from this site literally. And if this type of shyt is what he is about, id give myself a hysterectomy with a rusty spoon b4 he could touch me.


All Star
May 17, 2012
Trenton, New Jerz
This is/was a disgusting thread. Black chicks get raped, go missing and nobody blinks an eye.

A white woman goes to Africa, kills dozens of children playing doctor, cries and probably will never get any consequences.

c00ning is a disease.
Please tell Emmit Till about how powerless a white woman is.


That worthless bytch was never persecuted.
Ohio Mom Jailed for Sending Kids to Better School District

Don’t fukking @ me.

Everything you posted is Facts. But you’re kinda of making his point....

You don’t think Young Black boys go missing? It happens all the time...but guess what, it gets talked about even less then our black girls going missing.


Feb 12, 2015
Everything you posted is Facts. But you’re kinda of making his point....

You don’t think Young Black boys go missing? It happens all the time...but guess what, it gets talked about even less then our black girls going missing.
TONS of people take to the streets when blk dudes are victimized.

Hell R. Kelly been touching on chicks for YEARS and the first thing outta people’s mouths is “dem chicks fast!”

We all know the deal! If he was touching blk boys or white chicks, his whole spot would have been blown up.
But he knew who to victimize and get away with it. After all, those young blk girls are fast. They wanted it. Imma still bump Ignition.:stopitslime:

Ya’ll being disingenuous as hell. White women SHARE in the power of white supremacy.

Black women SHARE in the oppression of white supremacy. Only they get an extra helping of our grandmothers getting their asses beat back in the day or getting raped and molested and we can’t talk about it b/c people claim we bashing blk men if we do.

Like I said, this is a DISGUSTING conversation to have when Becky can literally lie and have a blk man in jail for centuries...AND STILL HAVE A BLK MAN CAPING FOR HER.

When u can literally spit on a race of men and have them turn around and cape for the ones who spit in their face, THAT my friend is power.

And the fact that blk dudes like him are too mind-raped to even acknowledge white woman power is beyond me.
I won’t go into white women pimping out blk men. White women one of the primary races of women who participate in the sex slave trade. Over there like a whole ass man having sad faced nikkas fukking her for a green card like she an old white dude in Thailand. Fukking young boys in schools...allla dat.

No consequences and will STILL have a black man caping for her. Just say u don’t know what power is if u can’t comprehend how much of it a white woman has.
Her femininity trumps men of color’s masculinity and that’s hard cold facts no matter what ur ego wants to tell u.

That’s why she can fukk a million of you, get married, lie on one of you and pretend to be innocent and ur life is forfeit. Ya’ll in the sunken place.


Feb 12, 2015
Goldithot and the Three Brehs

Remember SHE broke into THEIR home.

One day ya’ll gon learn about that white chick Trojan horse.
Edit: I had to come back to this picture b/c it is so sadly ironical.
But what’s worse is the real possibility that one of those brehs might be like the dudes in here and STILL try and cape for her being a victim, even tho she literally ruined their lives with her foolishness.
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Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
So you think WW would like to switch places with BW then, since BW are so free and WW are so oppressed?:jbhmm:

You missed the point, the issue is really WS but you people won't believe it.

No I don't and why would they but they weren't independently separated from their men, bw were so the situation is different.


All Star
May 17, 2012
Trenton, New Jerz
TONS of people take to the streets when blk dudes are victimized.

Hell R. Kelly been touching on chicks for YEARS and the first thing outta people’s mouths is “dem chicks fast!”

We all know the deal! If he was touching blk boys or white chicks, his whole spot would have been blown up.
But he knew who to victimize and get away with it. After all, those young blk girls are fast. They wanted it. Imma still bump Ignition.:stopitslime:

Ya’ll being disingenuous as hell. White women SHARE in the power of white supremacy.

Black women SHARE in the oppression of white supremacy. Only they get an extra helping of our grandmothers getting their asses beat back in the day or getting raped and molested and we can’t talk about it b/c people claim we bashing blk men if we do.

Like I said, this is a DISGUSTING conversation to have when Becky can literally lie and have a blk man in jail for centuries...AND STILL HAVE A BLK MAN CAPING FOR HER.

When u can literally spit on a race of men and have them turn around and cape for the ones who spit in their face, THAT my friend is power.

And the fact that blk dudes like him are too mind-raped to even acknowledge white woman power is beyond me.
I won’t go into white women pimping out blk men. White women one of the primary races of women who participate in the sex slave trade. Over there like a whole ass man having sad faced nikkas fukking her for a green card like she an old white dude in Thailand. Fukking young boys in schools...allla dat.

No consequences and will STILL have a black man caping for her. Just say u don’t know what power is if u can’t comprehend how much of it a white woman has.
Her femininity trumps men of color’s masculinity and that’s hard cold facts no matter what ur ego wants to tell u.

That’s why she can fukk a million of you, get married, lie on one of you and pretend to be innocent and ur life is forfeit. Ya’ll in the sunken place.

Young Black boys don’t get molested? Go do your research on it fam, I guarantee you’ll be surprise.

The context of his point is still going over your head. Your taking it for literal. Of course white women have it better, pay attention to the context in which he’s making his point.


Dec 27, 2017
You missed the point, the issue is really WS but you people won't believe it.

No I don't and why would they but they weren't independently separated from their men, bw were so the situation is different.

That’s not oppression though. You are framing your argument poorly which is why I asked you the question. If one presumes that BW are free alongside their men and in that respect are priviledged over WW than this begs the question whether WW would want to trade places with BW.
Being priviledged infers that you have more advantages than another, if the ongoing narrative is that BW are privileged over WW than we need to juxtapose in what and measure the depth of that priviledge and if in fact it exceeds the privilege of WW.

Last I checked White supremacy advanatages WW more than it disadvantages them. Hence why many WW do not denounce it not due to fear... but it hinges on their power dynamics. Women have never been and will never be independent from men and that applies to BW as well.

Woman’s privilege hinges on their male counterparts status.
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Feb 12, 2015
Young Black boys don’t get molested? Go do your research on it fam, I guarantee you’ll be surprise.

The context of his point is still going over your head. Your taking it for literal. Of course white women have it better, pay attention to the context in which he’s making his point.
In what context does someone who literally holds the fate of millions of blk students and are ground zero for the school to prison pipeline, more oppressed? His words have no validity in this reality. Maybe there is an alternate universe where white women aren’t damn near at the top of the social heirarchy with their men in fukking over every other race on this planet. But it’s not this world.

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
That’s not oppression though. You are framing your argument poorly which is why I asked you the question. If one presumes that BW are free alongside their men and in that respect are priviledged over WW than this begs the question whether WW would want to trade places with BW.
Being priviledged infers that you have more advantages than another, if the ongoing narrative is that BW are privileged over WW than we need to juxtapose in what and measure the depth of that priviledge and if in fact it exceeds the privilege of WW.

Last I checked White supremacy advanatages WW more than it disadvantages them. Hence why many WW do not denounce it not due to fear... but it hinges on their power dynamics. Women have never been and will never be independent from men and that applies to BW as well.

Woman’s privilege hinges on their male counterparts status.

So if BM don't have privilege which sounds like your argument then BW if they're seeking privilege shouldn't lay and create a child with them.

Seems like you wanna victimize BW when they choose to lay with men historically have been under privileged and that's something I cannot agree with. WW won't speak since it benefits them, common sense...

I don't bash interracial dating but if you're that worried about status and a "sense of protection" then marry someone privileged and call it a day. I can't feel sympathy for girls laying with dudes, popping out kids then blaming everything under the sun except themselves. BW troubles usually comes from lack of resources and a lack of structure (community) that's something that can be fixed though. White America separated you from me and unfortunately a lot of you fell for it.


Dec 27, 2017
His point went completely over your head.

Of course they wouldn’t. They still have white privileged backing them. It’s just that the pillar of it is white men. They dictate.

With Black people, it’s the complete opposite. Now more then ever in History, Sisters are the most vocal, and Black men have never aimed to oppress black women. We salute Black women for prospering through all the B.S. that life brings our way.

Men always dictate, in Africa men dictate, in Asia men dictate, it’s not exclusive to white men. It’s less to do with racial dynamics and more so gender/sex dynamics.

I don’t know why men on this site seem to think male chauvinism is limited to white men. Black Americans have historical factors that depowered men and left women fending for the community. That’s not privilege...that’s what a community where men have been systematically attacked looks like. Black women are trying to fill in a vacuum.

However, women cannot fight mans battles.