so blackness in usa is defined by white people, insane.
You have a talking point which you will harp on, so this isn't an exchange of ideas, really.. but here:
Nah. All Americans have this view of Blackness. The Black people too. I worked with a dude that was Dominican. Looked like he coulda been my cousin. To me he's Black. No matter what kind of speech he gives he's a niqqa from DR giving a speech.
Yes. The stuff that white people do decides your fate alot of the time but
If I go walking through a strange hood I get a totally different reaction from the locals than - say - a white jogger who happens to jog down MLK.
The fact that I'm Black creates a situation among other Black people at times, too.
All other races as well.
This is the *definition* of it as far as I can communicate to you. You'll gloss over everything with a quip, but that's the answer.
Once defined as this or that then one may be subject to certain treatment here or there.. according to the rules of engagement concerning your demographic.
The main reason is this. Slavery means most of the descendants of slaves are racially mixed between the races that were here during that time period.
Even today the mixing continues. Such is the normal tempo of race mixing in a population with huge chunks of different races (Japan is like 99% Japanese. Not much room for 'diversity' except on campuses or wherever the 1% other mfs are).
It's kinda more cultural than racial. It's kinda more about your understanding of the struggle and you participation level.
The Blackest niqqa on Earth has no pass around my way if he has never step foot in a project, never been under fire, never had to scrap his way out, just lived a comfy suburban life with no stress. We have nothing to really say to that dude. He's Black but not Black Black.
Anyways. Kick your little slogan. Or attempt to absorb some of this.