More anger,more caps,more bolded words,and even fewer facts.
I stated one fact at the beginning of this thread
"The FACT is black/melenated people are the original man and have been shown to have been everywhere globally. We literally could have come out of anywhere."
You ran in like Hulk Hogan to dispute this fact. Which you still wont go on record about. Because the fact is I stated a fact, That we couldve come from out of anywhere,and you cant disprove that. And it truly will NEVER be able to be disproven. I am willing to go on record about that.
"YOU RETARDEDLY think that if Humanity started in Africa, that means that "Black people couldn't also come from elsewhere"
How? When my original statement that you responded to says we couldve come out of anywhere? Does "anywhere" not include Africa

I never said out of Africa cant be the truth,im saying it can never be proven as fact, and doesnt really matter, If black people are aware of the fact we were everywhere first globally.
My OPINION was that Out of Africa limits that thinking. Due to it being passed off as a fact,when its not. We concievably couldve originated anywhere on the planet ,in an entirely different way than the current fairy tale tells it. My opinion of it being limiting is mines to have. An opinion I wasnt seeking to be "right" or even debate about.
Then here you came running in,in an attempt to prove I was wrong about the Out Of Africa THEORY and pass it off as a fact. Essentially proving my point about the European limiting yalls thinking caps with brainwashing and propaganda. Sometimes Gods sends people to prove your point in real time. No need for me to tear you down or downplay your intelligence. You seem like a bright guy,your emotional stability is whats in question. You may want to work on that,a samurai without control is likely to cut himself.