White people are still handing out the jobs and loans, breh.
What we need is for black people with money to band together to start helping out other blacks.
Look at what the breh in your AV is doing with all his money. Is he giving out favorable loans to blacks, building up actual black neighborhoods with good infrastructure, or just trying to spread his own personal brand?
We need info spread around in any way to get black people's minds right because the majority of black people wealthy or not who minds aren't right to even use what they have.
There are plenty of black bankers and employers. Black people's problem is not that successful blacks aren't giving enough back to their community, its that there
aren't enough successful black people because because many in the black community are only interested in living off government welfare, or a life of crime. Is this black peoples fault? or is it Americas for not giving them job opportunities and only dependency-creating welfare checks? I don't know, but it was 95% of black people who voted for Obama to do this type of thing and sacrifice job creation for welfare, so don't blame the white man, you are getting the government you voted for.
The state of black america does not reflect a failure of (IE) black lawyers to reinvest in their black community, it reflects a race that does not have a significant amount of people that respect or desire to be a lawyer.
The argument that a significant extent of black people do desire to be lawyers or some other high paying job that just requires hard work, but aren't in a position to become lawyers due to their economic status is only true to a small extent. Black people actually are accepted into lawschools with much lower GPA's and LSAT scores on average due to Affirmative Action today. They could be lawyers, most just don't want to be.
A lot of shyt happened in the past to make black people take a few steps behind the starting line. Although discrimination in the past and present is real, unfair and significant, huge amounts of black people still are acting completely irrationally in regards to escaping poverty.
I don't see why everyone is so concerned with assigning blame, we should all be thinking about ways to move humanity forward, as a whole, not by any particular race. Technology is only making it easier, we don't need to have tribal wars over limited resources and figure out who was or wasn't guilty in the past.
However unfair their reality is, to anyone concerned with making things better, blaming average white people who usually have nothing to do with anything is just making things worse. Especially when you consider elites do this type of Balkanization to keep the masses fighting with each other in Willie Lynch style, so they never question the elites getting tax loopholes and tax payer money from the prison, pharmaceutical and military industrial complexes.