White slave owners received reparations but Black people never did


Dec 8, 2012
I knew this and that is why people who say that Blacks getting rep will never happen because its too much money are on that bullshyt.


Dec 8, 2012
Blacks ain't shyt...Boo hoo...

Hilter killed 6 million Jews, and what did they do? They got their shyt together and now live with the "NEVER AGAIN" mantra...And Mossad been hunting and killing any top ranking NAZI still alive...

Blacks always crying and not doing shyt...Blacks are The Dipset of races...:mjlol:

If Whites wanted to enslave Blacks today, they EASILY could...The only people who would be able to stop it are the Hippie Whites...

But Blacks themselves would be HELPLESS...:sadbron:
Shut up because the US gave Jews rep even tho the US didn't cause their suffering.


May 10, 2012
don't think full out reparations can ever occur here in America, but I do think we can bargain with the Feds and some state governments on other issues (ie large scale loan relief, targeted investment in predominantly black sub regions of America towards growing black businesses, maybe greater autonomy within the continuous 48 states)

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
Its widespread knowledge. So you can easily verify it independently among tons of other sources through a quick search.

Compensated emancipation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First result.

On this topic, I would recommend everyone checkout the book called "Slavery By Another Name" and how many people fought to keep the perks of unpaid labor of black people after the civil war, including northern corporations. "Vagrancy" laws were used heavily after the war to imprison black people and then send them to work at various companies and places for basically free as "punishment". Vagrancy basically meant that you were walking the streets and you didn't have your papers stating you were employed. Of course this law was meant to be used against newly free black people and often times were a trumped up charge to get some free workers for folks.
edit: By the way I didn't mean "widespread knowledge' like "psh you didn't know that!? :mjlol:" as more the OP is safe to state this information without sources since its widely published and available. Not trying to be one of those dudes. I agree, everyone needs to know this information and its not surprising most people don't. This shyt isn't taught in school and you have to usually gain the knowledge through independent reading or in a deep level college course or something.

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
Do you have something against the idiots who said Africans sold other Africans?
There is truth to it. Many African nations did sell slaves and have slaves themselves. However, the individuals they sold were usually prisoners and captured in battle.

However, on the same token, there were still "Slave raiding parties" by Europeans, especially the Portuguese, and continued even after slavery was declared illegal in their home country.

Another thing, chattel slavery in the US was much more brutal and different than slavery in many African nations. For example, some Africans had slaves but they were only a slave for a particular amount of time because they were on the losing end of a war with another tribe or they were indebted somehow. They were not treat like cattle but as another member of the household. Again, they weren't treated a commodity where they would be put up to market but just a mutual understanding that if your group lost in battle some of the fallen or losers would become slaves at the end for a certain amount of time. However, there is without a doubt some Africans who saw the money Westerners were making in slave trading and participated in the same system the same way to make themselves a quick buck.

In the western world, slavery wasn't just about making the person do work but there was a organized effort to strip them of their humanity to strip black diaspora from any cultural connection to their homeland. Make them dumb by making even learning how to read illegal and worthy of punishment. Part of the reason there is a general cultural dysfunction in our society now, imo.

Also one other argument you might hear is that "well blacks in the US own/bought slaves" however they owned less than 1% of black slaves in the US and many times it was free black people buying their family members and then granting them their freedom afterward. However, there were those free blacks who wanted to own slaves simply because of greed and lack of any humanity for their brothers and sisters. However, you can always find these back stabbing no conscious motherfukkers in all races. There were some Jews during the holocaust who collaborated with the Nazis for their own benefit too. Category:Jewish Nazi collaborators - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .

So, in the end, even if their is some partial truth to these arguments, don't lose sight of the intention of the person pushing them and in the end, nothing justifies what happened here in the US against blacks. Nothing. Period. These arguments are used to make you back off and maybe not judge white america too harshly. You'll notice that they always talk about slavery where they can reference these perceived contradictions in black feeling some sort of way about white america, however they always seem to forget the 100+ years of racial injustice that followed and continues after slavery which is just as bad.


Feb 25, 2013
There is truth to it. Many African nations did sell slaves and have slaves themselves. However, the individuals they sold were usually prisoners and captured in battle.

However, on the same token, there were still "Slave raiding parties" by Europeans, especially the Portuguese, and continued even after slavery was declared illegal in their home country.

Another thing, chattel slavery in the US was much more brutal and different than slavery in many African nations. For example, some Africans had slaves but they were only a slave for a particular amount of time because they were on the losing end of a war with another tribe or they were indebted somehow. They were not treat like cattle but as another member of the household. Again, they weren't treated a commodity where they would be put up to market but just a mutual understanding that if your group lost in battle some of the fallen or losers would become slaves at the end for a certain amount of time. However, there is without a doubt some Africans who saw the money Westerners were making in slave trading and participated in the same system the same way to make themselves a quick buck.

In the western world, slavery wasn't just about making the person do work but there was a organized effort to strip them of their humanity to strip black diaspora from any cultural connection to their homeland. Make them dumb by making even learning how to read illegal and worthy of punishment. Part of the reason there is a general cultural dysfunction in our society now, imo.

Also one other argument you might hear is that "well blacks in the US own/bought slaves" however they owned less than 1% of black slaves in the US and many times it was free black people buying their family members and then granting them their freedom afterward. However, there were those free blacks who wanted to own slaves simply because of greed and lack of any humanity for their brothers and sisters. However, you can always find these back stabbing no conscious motherfukkers in all races. There were some Jews during the holocaust who collaborated with the Nazis for their own benefit too. Category:Jewish Nazi collaborators - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .

So, in the end, even if their is some partial truth to these arguments, don't lose sight of the intention of the person pushing them and in the end, nothing justifies what happened here in the US against blacks. Nothing. Period. These arguments are used to make you back off and maybe not judge white america too harshly. You'll notice that they always talk about slavery where they can reference these perceived contradictions in black feeling some sort of way about white america, however they always seem to forget the 100+ years of racial injustice that followed and continues after slavery which is just as bad.
Wonderfully stated

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
Wonderfully stated
I know sourcing wiki might be a sin in some circles but I always like to double check myself if I spout off a bunch of historical or scientific facts simply because I'm usually going based on memory and I want to make sure I'm not stating something wrong.

However, in doing so found this wiki article which goes over it in more detail of course and its a really well written one as well.

Slavery in Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your best weapon against your enemies is knowledge.