White People are the embodiment of Evil (Must See Video)

Nov 11, 2017


Jul 2, 2015
Chicago police data reveals how dirty cops spread corruption like a disease


In 2009, after a successful public records lawsuit, the Invisible Institute received data on complaints against Chicago Police Department officers since 1988 – the complaints often list multiple officers, and by tracing the social graph of dirty cops over time, The Intercept’s Rob Arthur was able to show how corruption spread like a contagion, from senior officers to junior ones, teaching bad practices ranging from brutality to falsifying evidence to torture to racism to plotting to murder whistleblowing cops.

The researchers were able to rule out some other explanations, like a likelihood that dirty cops will get the same kinds of assignments, tracing the relative levels of civil lawsuit payouts that different cops generated.

Criminologists and others who study police departments have long documented the “open secret” within police departments that some officers don’t follow the rules, and also that other cops form a “blue wall of silence” to protect these lawbreaking officers. This data sheds light on the cost of that official tolerance of corruption, showing that dirty cops beget more dirty cops.

It’s a kind of “broken windows” theory, but for bad cops. Let one bad cop hang around the force, and other cops will be tempted to break the rules, too. That’s a real indictment of police unions, with their notorious habit of sheltering bad cops from official reprimands or job losses. This protection of crooked cops is rotting police forces from the inside.



Jul 2, 2015
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">NEW: Satanists plan to bring a 8½ foot tall bronze statue of Baphomet to the Arkansas State Capitol for the “Satanic Temple’s Rally for the First Amendment” from 1-3 pm. <a href="KATV News (@KATVNews) on Twitter">@KATVNews</a> is told that it’s to support the First Amendment and religious plurality <a href="#arnews hashtag on Twitter">#arnews</a> <a href="#arpx hashtag on Twitter">#arpx</a> <a href="Marine Glisovic KATV on Twitter">pic.twitter.com/XC2XVmwNNq</a></p>&mdash; Marine Glisovic KATV (@KATVMarine) <a href="">August 16, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Jul 2, 2015

In the early evening of November 6th 2004, 48-year-old Bryan Drysdale left work early and drove to the level crossing at Ufton Nervet, a small village in Berkshire, England. Once there, he inched his silver Mazda onto the train tracks, side-on to the rails, and pulled the handbrake of his car.

Speeding towards him at 100 miles per hour was the First Great Western service from London Paddington to Plymouth, driven by 54-year-old Stanley Martin, a driver with thirty years experience. As the train clipped Drysdale’s car, its forward power car derailed while the rear power car ran at almost full speed, causing the 411-tonne train to jack-knife at the middle.

Of the approximately 200 passengers on board, 120 were injured and 7 tragically died. The fatalities included drivers Drysdale and Martin, and 2 young girls aged just 9 and 14 (the 9-year-old’s mother also died in the crash). Autopsies revealed that most of the victims had died from severe head wounds after being thrown from the train through its broken windows. Martin had died of asphyxiation after the cab had filled with earth.

A forensic psychiatrist reported that Drysdale was tormented by his homosexuality, and had called the NHS just days before worried that he might have contracted HIV. As it was a Saturday, he had been unable to obtain his results from the clinic, which later came back as negative.

The Ufton Nervet disaster had a significant impact on safety regulations, requiring trains to be fitted with laminated glass which is more resistant in crash situations. The level crossing at Ufton Nervet remained active for another 11 years, during which time there were a further 4 fatal incidents.


Jul 2, 2015

It was March 24, 2015, when Germanwings Flight 9525 took off from the Barcelona El-Prat runway, on what should have been a short and straightforward flight to Düsseldorf Airport. After about half an hour the plane had ascended to about 38000 feet, flown by 34-year-old Captain Patrick Sondenheimer with co-pilot 27-year-old Andreas Lubitz at his side.But when Captain Sondheimer briefly left the cockpit, Flight 9535 took a tragic and deadly turn.

Upon his return, Sondheimer found the door to the cockpit locked from the inside. While he tried in vain to break down the door, the plane began to descend by about 58 feet per second. 10 minutes later, it crashed into the Alps, instantly killing the 144 passengers and 6 crew members on board. Cockpit recordings revealed that Lubitz, who had previously been hospitalised for depression, ignored repeated attempts by air traffic control to right the course of the plane and did not transmit any kind of distress call.

Prosecutors have since determined that Lubitz crashed Flight 9525 on purpose, and that he had practised setting the autopilot altitude dial to 100 feet several times on an earlier flight. A look into his medical history revealed that Lubitz had been showing symptoms of psychotic depression and had seen over 40 different practitioners in the 5 years prior to the crash. At his apartment, a doctor’s letter was found in the bin declaring the young co-pilot unfit to fly.


Jul 2, 2015

A gym in California on the 1st of December, 2008, was the scene of survival. As customers were preparing to work out, a boy came crashing through the front doors. He was wearing a pair of grey boxers and a chain around his ankle. He was extremely emaciated and covered in caked in blood and dirt. “Please hide me” he exclaimed. The boy was 16-year-old Kyle Ramirez. Standing at 5 foot 8 inches, he weighed just 100 pounds.

When Kyle was 8-years-old, he was abandoned by his biological mother and left in the care of a family friend, Caren Ramirez. A handwritten note from his biological mother granted custody to Ramirez and CPS agreed without even conducting a legally required investigation. Over the forthcoming years, CPS received numerous reports of abuse and neglect. Kyle was emaciated and showed up to school with no food and riddled in bruises and patches of hair missing.

In 2005, Kyle’s brother was placed into protective custody. His brother told CPS that Kyle was being being abused too but he wouldn’t be removed from the household until 2007. A couple of months later, Caren coerced Kyle into escaping from protective custody and return to her to which he complied. This is where the abuse escalated tremendously. For the next 18 months, Carmen and three of her friends, Anthony Waiters, Michael Schumacher and Kelly Lau, unleashed a torrent of abuse on the young teenager. He was struck with belts, a hammer and a baseball bat. He was sliced and stabbed with knives and bleach was then poured into the wounds. He slept with a chain and was burnt with a metal bat that had been held over fire until red hot. Even though he had vanished from protective custody, CPS never bothered to report him missing.

Kyle often heard his abusers speaking about killing him and chopping him up. He knew he had to escape. On the morning of the escape, he coerced the two-year-old son of Michel to reach him the key to unlock the chain around his leg. When he unlocked it, he dashed to the back garden and jumped over the fence with help from the trampoline.

Carmen, Kelly, and Michael took plea bargains and were sentenced to 30 years while Anthony pleaded not guilty and was sentenced to life imprisonment.


Jul 2, 2015

Bullets fly through a local food joint during Elliot Rodger’s rampage. Civilians duck and cover. You can watch the full documentary here.


Jul 2, 2015

Isaac Robitille was born with a brain abnormality and as a result, was blind, had no ears, and had a cleft palette. He had developmental delays in terms of waking and talking and needed around the clock care. His mother, Melissa Robitille, was his caregiver.

Despite his ailments, Isaac thrived. “He was a very smart, strong young man that adapted to all of his imperfections,” said his former foster mother. Issac spoke mostly in sign language and loved his dog, Tickle. He picked her name. In 2014, Melissa got engaged to Walter Richters who moved in with the Melissa and Isaac.

On the 22nd of August, 2014, Melissa and Walter poured vodka down 13-year-old Isaac’s feeding tube. They said he was being particularly fussy and wanted him to be quiet. When he became unresponsive, Melissa called the police and said she found him unresponsive in his bed. He was dead by the time paramedics arrived. Melissa and Walter declared they didn’t want an autopsy conducted but one was conducted nevertheless. It declared that his blood alcohol content was 0.146 percent which is about twice the legal limit for driving.

Melissa was charged with manslaughter and sentenced to 4 to 12 years in prison. Walter was charged with manslaughter and sentenced to 3 years in prison.


Jul 2, 2015

In 1920, John B. Watson and his graduate student, Rosalie Rayner, carried out a social experiment that was disturbing and cruel. The Little Albert experiment aimed to demonstrate human conditioning by traumatising an emotionally stable child so much that he developed a phobia.

For this study they chose a nine-month old infant from a hospital referred to as “Albert” for the experiment. Watson followed the same procedures which Pavlov had famously used in his experiments with dogs. At the start of the experiment, Baby Albert was shown a white laboratory rat which he played with. Then, Watson and Rayner made a loud sound behind Albert’s back by striking a suspended steel bar with a hammer each time he touched the rat. After several such pairings of the two stimuli, Albert was presented with only the rat. Upon seeing the rat, Albert got very distressed, crying and crawling away. He now associated the white rat with the noise and developed a phobia. The tests didn’t stop there.

Watson and Rayner introduced Albert to a rabbit, a dog, a fur coat and finally “Santa Claus” all of which he displayed signs of fear toward. The experiments lasted for three months, with baby Albert living in a make-shift nursery. No efforts were made in order to desensitise him from his ordeal, and he grew up with the fear of furry animals still installed in him.

The Little Albert Experiment
Mystery solved: We now know what happened to Little Albert