White house releases statement about parkinsons expert visiting white house 8 times in 8 months


May 1, 2012
I couldn't find the full video. It was a pretty good lil speech. He was talking about ados in it

Should've never debated. Whoever made that call should be beat like Medicare :deadhorse:
I think someone in his inner circle set him up. Knowing damn well he would look crazy doing the robot out there.

They hid his condition for as long as they could. Thinking he would eventually step down on his own. But these old entitled Democrats will never give up power. They would rather croak in office than name a successor.

They got lucky Obama fell in their lap. I can only imagine the L's these losers would've taken without him. And they almost passed on him for that old bag Hillary.


Redemption is Coming
May 4, 2012

Bonus footage

@Elim Garak give me the spin

Let me remind everyone OP is a racist MAGA CAC who consistently call out Coli brehs for using the word cac and comparing it to the N word.

You ain’t slick.

In a few weeks this won’t even be an issue.

Stop acting like you’re not an agent CAC


Gul DuCat
Jul 14, 2012
Dog Shooting Squad Of Islamabad
I think someone in his inner circle set him up. Knowing damn well he would look crazy doing the robot out there.

They hid his condition for as long as they could. Thinking he would eventually step down on his own. But these old entitled Democrats will never give up power. They would rather croak in office than name a successor.

They got lucky Obama fell in their lap. I can only imagine the L's these losers would've taken without him. And they almost passed on him for that old bag Hillary.
I've heard speculation they set him up, and that they had to know. But I think they believed their own propaganda. I'm sure by the time I wake up tomorrow people in here will be parroting the response they're programmed to

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015

New York Times looking crazy right now

The New York Times and Biden (and his team) have been beefing for a few years now. They are still mad that he snubbed them of an interview a couple years ago so they've been going hard at him. Both liberal and non-Trump conservative pundits on podcasts discussed the NYT's un-necessary saltiness toward Biden.

Small parts of a larger article on the drama between the Biden team and the NYT.

Biden’s closest aides had come to see the Times as arrogant, intent on setting its own rules and unwilling to give Biden his due. Inside the paper’s D.C. bureau, the punitive response seemed to typify a press operation that was overly sensitive and determined to control coverage of the president.

According to interviews with two dozen people on both sides who were granted anonymity to discuss a sensitive subject, the relationship between the Democratic president and the country’s newspaper of record — for years the epitome of a liberal press in the eyes of conservatives — remains remarkably tense, beset by misunderstandings, grudges and a general lack of trust. Complaints that were long kept private are even spilling into public view, with campaign aides in Wilmington going further than their colleagues in the White House and routinely blasting the paper’s coverage in emails, posts on social media and memos.

Although the president’s communications teams bristle at coverage from dozens of outlets, the frustration, and obsession, with the Times is unique, reflecting the resentment of a president with a working-class sense of himself and his team toward a news organization catering to an elite audience — and a deep desire for its affirmation of their work. On the other side, the newspaper carries its own singular obsession with the president, aggrieved over his refusal to give the paper a sit-down interview that Publisher AG Sulzberger and other top editors believe to be its birthright.

The president’s press flacks might bemoan what they see as the entitlement of Times staffers, but they themselves put the newspaper on the highest of pedestals given its history, stature and unparalleled reach. And yet, they see the Times falling short in a make-or-break moment for American democracy, stubbornly refusing to adjust its coverage as it strives for the appearance of impartial neutrality, often blurring the asymmetries between former President Donald Trump and Biden when it comes to their perceived flaws and vastly different commitments to democratic principles.

Having been in politics for some 50 years, Biden has long dealt with reporters and editors from the Times, and, for the most part, cordially. But frustrations began to mount early in 2019 as Biden launched his third run for the White House in a crowded Democratic primary field. Times reporters were annoyed not to have been invited to Biden’s first public appearance after announcing his candidacy, an informal stop at a Wilmington pizzeria that two other reporters were tipped off about. But aides to Biden, who tended to trust his generational contemporaries at the Times — columnists and other journalists he’d gotten comfortable with over several years — said they didn’t know anyone on the politics team well. “Unlike some outlets, the Times just never invested in a reporter who really knew and understood Biden and his appeal,” said one former campaign staffer. “And the coverage reflected that.”


Geek Nasty

Brain Knowledgeably Whizzy
Jan 30, 2015
South Kakalaka
parkinson’s disease is a considerable step above dementia, so this is actually a welcome development.

in november, if a sack of potatoes is the democratic nominee, it should get the vote of every able bodied black voter over trump.

Goddamn man I hope they’re paying you well