he could've tased that crazy bytch while she was on the phone or maced her.
No he couldn't have. Why are you defending her? You sound like a c**n and white.
he could've tased that crazy bytch while she was on the phone or maced her.
I guess you don’t know about the 21ft rule.
People that don’t comment or leave a basic comment when a black person is unjustly murdered by the police; or real vocal in their talk about racism in practice, But for this, they are writing 12 paragraph dissertations and shyt, like a peer reviewed article with this white woman getting murked for charging at dude with a weapon. As if fights with people who have scissors ever end well on the side of the person not having the scissors. They rather see her alive unharmed and dude poked up, and buck fiftied, blood spurting from his carotid artery than the “defenseless” white woman catching one. Expecting local P.D.
to go all out and employ navy seal tactics on her when local PD can’t even resist from or disarm shooting kids playing with toy guns. Let me get the fuk outta here, this is wild.
The problem here isn't "impossible" situations. Our problem is systemic racism. You're trying to shape the narrative to fit your agenda.You don't think anyone can lock a hotel lobby from the outside.
But that shyt irrelevant. Answer the main question all y'all avoiding.
Why do these "impossible situations, I had to shoot" somehow happen THREE TIMES A DAY in America yet don't even happen three times the entire year in a lot of other countries?
Answer. That. Question.
What magical things are the cops doing in those other countries to manage to avoid shooting 360+ days a year.
The police are p*ssy. There is no reason to use lethal force for someone with scissors.
I've been on here for four years and you don't think my "agenda" is systematic racism?The problem here isn't "impossible" situations. Our problem is systemic racism. You're trying to shape the narrative to fit your agenda.
And if the chick wasn't an obvious racist drug addict with an intent to kill him you may have a point.
The police are p*ssy. There is no reason to use lethal force for someone with scissors.
Because if you ignorant of how police move in every other country then of course you won't understand the options in this one. It's like you in fukking China telling people why democracy is logically impossible and ignore the fukking democracies all around you.
EVERY developed country other than ours gets out of these exact fukking scenarios without murking anyone and without getting hurt. You must think they're magical spirits because they repeatedly pull off what you claim is impossible. If you want to for death cops forever because you refuse to learn anything that's on you. Just know that it is OUR communities who will be the victims of that bullshyt the majority of the time.
There's another way. Either you want the cops to choose a better way or you're part of the problem.
I've been on here for four years and you don't think my "agenda" is systematic racism?
That struggle is the GREATEST mission of my life and what my entire world is built around. I posted truth on the systematic racism of the police right here in this thread. Get out of there with those insinuations.
The issue is that some of you don't have a clue how to move. You think you can snap your fingers and make American police stop being racist all the sudden? There ain't no magic wand like that. Changing mentalities will be very slow and take generations. In the meantime you got to take away the TOOLS they use to oppose. And as long as American cops have the power to murk damn near anyone whenever they feel like it, that will be a tool that will be used against the Black community.
In most of the world cops don't feel the right to just move up to a drug addict with a weapon, start a confrontation, and then murk them the moment they act predictably. They move in such a way that assumes that no one will have to die that day. American cops are different, they move like pulling that piece and firing shots is just an everyday part of the job. We HAVE to pull that power away from them or it will CONTINUE to be used against our communities far more than any others.
They are trained to shoot at the largest target. Center mass...the chest.
You dont take chances when someone is approaching you with a sharp metal object.
I've been on here for four years and you don't think my "agenda" is systematic racism?
That struggle is the GREATEST mission of my life and what my entire world is built around. I posted truth on the systematic racism of the police right here in this thread. Get out of there with those insinuations.
The issue is that some of you don't have a clue how to move. You think you can snap your fingers and make American police stop being racist all the sudden? There ain't no magic wand like that. Changing mentalities will be very slow and take generations. In the meantime you got to take away the TOOLS they use to oppose. And as long as American cops have the power to murk damn near anyone whenever they feel like it, that will be a tool that will be used against the Black community.
In most of the world cops don't feel the right to just move up to a drug addict with a weapon, start a confrontation, and then murk them the moment they act predictably. They move in such a way that assumes that no one will have to die that day. American cops are different, they move like pulling that piece and firing shots is just an everyday part of the job. We HAVE to pull that power away from them or it will CONTINUE to be used against our communities far more than any others.
Idk you nor your agenda but you seem to have a lot of opinions that aren't necessarily hitting the mark and that you sckew to meet your narrative.
There are stats out there that White youth use weed at the exact same rates as Black youth and yet Black youth are in jail for it several times more often. They
A. Selectively criminalize Black activities more than White activities
B. Selectively patrol Black neighborhoods far more than White neighborhoods
C. Force more Black folk into neighborhoods where they are susceptible to police action (stuck in projects/apartments with no space or privacy where you have to do everything out in the open while White people doing the same shyt hidden in their gated communities and wooded properties.)
For all those reasons, anything bad the police do is gonna affect black folk three times as much because black folk are three times as susceptible to any police action. That's why it's crazy to defend the police for killing a white person unless it was 100% necessary because they WILL turn around and do the same thing to a Black person the very next day.
Like I said, most civilized countries around the world manage to get through the average year with five police killings or less, more like 0-1 in most cases. Yet American police kill over 1000 every year. Racism is half the problem, but you see how many black kids get killed by black cops and you can be sure racism ain't the only problem. Their shytty-ass training and their mentality that they've been given the right to be judge-jury-and-executioner is a big part of the problem too. And if you let that shyt slide when they do it to pathetic white methheads, who the hell you think is gonna be on wrong side of that bullet the next time it happens and three times as often after that?
So long as cops are committing bullshyt then I'm gonna call them out on their bullshyt. They have NOT been given the right to be our executioners, unless lives are in immediate danger with no other options then that gun shouldn't even be out.
The cop and witnesses claim that Michael Brown was charging too. Y'all cool with letting them get away with that? Because there are zero options in this American society where this killing gets justified and that one doesn't. You okay with every single "she had scissors", "he had a knife", "she was reaching for my gun", "He threw a rock, that can be lethal under some circumstances" being a justifiable homicide? It an all or nothing war right now, and you better figure out how you gonna fight those powers because they ain't gonna draw the same neat little lines you want them to.
The issue is that some of you don't have a clue how to move. You think you can snap your fingers and make American police stop being racist all the sudden? There ain't no magic wand like that. Changing mentalities will be very slow and take generations. In the meantime you got to take away the TOOLS they use to oppress. And as long as American cops have the power to murk damn near anyone whenever they feel like it, that will be a tool that will be used against the Black community.
In most of the world cops don't feel the right to just move up to a drug addict with a weapon, start a confrontation, and then murk them the moment they act predictably. They move in such a way that assumes that no one will have to die that day. American cops are different, they move like pulling that piece and firing shots is just an everyday part of the job. We HAVE to pull that power away from them or it will CONTINUE to be used against our communities far more than any others.