White bernie-bro purity leftists are attacking hardworking black politicians

Don Homer

Molto Bene
Aug 25, 2013
No, it's a specific way of saying Trump is a new kind of incompetence that the world doesn't need.

Well this is true.

This is only partially right. Trump also happened to pick an optimal time to run. He wouldn't have had a chance winning in '08 or '12, given, one, how unpopular George W. was, and two, how popular Obama was after the first term. ANYONE that the Democrats put up there in '08 would have breezed to victory.... and this is generally a right leaning country. Incumbents tend to get re-elected, unless they really shyt the bed. It also didn't hurt that Trump's opponent in the general election had as much political baggage as she did, whereas he had little to none.

I think fear or hatred of the opponent is a great motivator, and it certainly was a factor for getting former Obama supporters to vote Trump this time. It wasn't even so much that many people really liked his platform specifically, rather, they were tired of the same old rhetoric from traditional politicians, which Clinton is through and through. Add to the fact that the Clintons and Obamas made little sense on terror, especially in the aftermath of events like the Pulse club shooting, safe spaces and transgender bathroom debates, the average American thought it was nonsense. I've seen people, who voted for Obama, say they voted for Trump because they're afraid for free speech. Given his stance on the press, Trump isn't really a first amendment advocate, but the fear was there that if Clinton got into office, no one would be able to say anything they wanted, and swarms of Muslims would be allowed into the country, unvetted.

If Democrats want to win, what they really need to do is abandon the "regressive left"

Personally, I don't know a person who wanted Clinton over Sanders, and if I recall correctly, Sanders was actually polling better than Clinton when compared to Trump towards the end of primaries. So no, it wasn't always said Clinton was the best option. But after the primaries were over, she certainly was. I don't think a candidate other than Clinton got an electoral vote.
what exactly is the "regressive left"?


All Star
May 28, 2012
My first time was John Kerry. I fell for it then. I voted for Kerry to keep Bush out and it failed.
My second time was Hillary Clinton I voted for her to keep Trump out and it failed.

Okay, ya lost, so what's your solution?

My first time voting in a primary, I thought Obama was more trustworthy than Clinton so I voted him over her. And somehow, he got the nomination.

Last time I voted in a primary, I thought Sanders was more trustworthy. He didn't happen to win.

So what do you expect me to do since I didn't get my way? Just say fukk it and stay home on election day? Grow up, please.


May 4, 2014
"The crowds" are what vote here in the US :mjlol:
And I voted for Hillary, don't throw your complaints at me, I'm busy working on local campaigns to strengthen labour power, and student power here in Ohio :mjgrin:
And if you don't think Populism is deeply engrained in the United States, I'm going to need you to do basic American political research.

lets not forget Op was a hardcore Trump supporter


Jun 4, 2013

Your corporate Dems are telling on themselves. I believe one of you called Nina Bernie's 'Omarosa' too


Jun 22, 2014
I'm not stuck. You are OK with the Reagan era of supply side economics.

I am advocating for demand side economics. Reverse the Reagan tax cuts of the early 1980s. And then we can invest it into the things this country doesn't have. Like high speed rail for instance.

I'm basically advocating for a new New Deal. An ambitious endeavor that will rebuild the country but also give people money at the same time.

I'd rather America GO BACK to an era where capital was regulated and the business community's power was stripped down.

You don't agree?
What you're subscribing to is a policy that could get the Democrats in office and a lot of Congressional seats, if they stood together for just two years and worked out a cohesive national plan.
You know what gets the silly-rural Trump supporters ready to go? Jobs.
You know what gets semi-Leftists without any ideology ready to go? War on Poverty.
You know what gets Centrists who don't like to vote but like to complain about the state of the country ready to go? Innovation.
New roads. A job programme that puts laid off blue-collar workers and non-violent felons to work. High-speed rails. Water infrastructure replacement. Give it a nationalist banner that strays from jingoism and I can guarantee 2020.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Okay, ya lost, so what's your solution?

My first time voting in a primary, I thought Obama was more trustworthy than Clinton so I voted him over her. And somehow, he got the nomination.

Last time I voted in a primary, I thought Sanders was more trustworthy. He didn't happen to win.

So what do you expect me to do since I didn't get my way? Just say fukk it and stay home on election day? Grow up, please.
My feelings on it are this. When a candidate is so poor that the best reason to vote for them in the general election is to keep someone else out of office and that's their rallying cry it's a losing proposition and not worth the time. In this country if you expect to win an election people have to actually be voting for you not voting against your opposition.

If you feel like it's your duty to vote for this losing candidate in a hail mary attempt to keep somebody else out of office go ahead and do you. Just know that you will fail. It always fails. Modern history has proven that.


All Star
May 28, 2012
My feelings on it are this. When a candidate is so poor that the best reason to vote for them in the general election is to keep someone else out of office and that's their rallying cry it's a losing proposition and not worth the time. In this country if you expect to win an election people have to actually be voting for you not voting against your opposition.

If you feel like it's your duty to vote for this losing candidate in a hail mary attempt to keep somebody else out of office go ahead and do you. Just know that you will fail. It always fails. Modern history has proven that.

Well, I don't agree, and your examples haven't convinced me.

I view Trump as someone whose character flaws are so dangerous for that job that I would have legitimately rolled the dice on having a randomly selected American be president before allowing him to be elected without objection. A person with seemingly no moral core, not well read or even interested in science or world affairs, and only seems motivated to promote his own brand and image. And even if I could grant you that Hilary Clinton is guilty of some of those things, I can, at least, be certain that she could point out Pakistan on a map. That she could name which countries in the region are mostly Sunni and which Shia. I don't have the same confidence with Trump even now 7 months in. Trump is incredibly uninformed, but also egotistical to believe he knows the answer to everything. He tells idiotic lies, and says shyt better politicians would know not to say .... better people would know not to say. This is a very unique situation.

Had we not been talking about a man with such flaws, I might be more willing to agree with you. But voting for someone who is informed over someone who isn't (and shares 75% of my political beliefs, as opposed to 25% for the other) is as good a reason anyone should need. Democrats have to overcome that small state bias in order to win, so even though most people actually supported her, she lost. I'm still going to be pragmatic when I vote, because I know that most of the time I won't get a candidate I really believe in ... most of the time it's a choice between two mediocre to poor options.