to say white standards of beauty don't exist is illogical
if most media is aimed at whites, by whites, why would they be promoting other races as beautiful?
light skin, flowing hair, thin noses, thats the standard image of a woman.
Google the word man. How many are white? How many are non white?
Go to a regular drug store and look at the foundation. How many are a shade of peach? How many shades of brown are there?
How many acceptable hairstyles are there for black men in a corporate environment?
why is it that I can choose from ten different brands of skin lightening products at a beauty supply store in an urban area, in two big illuminated glass cases in the front of the store?
why is it that so many of my female peers have gone through a period of being sad about their hair and appearance as young girls? Why is it that young guys were flat ironing their hair?
you can say it's up to us to not acknowledge it, but to say it doesn't exist is untrue