Recessive traits are simply traits that do not show up as often as the mirrored, doesn't tell shyt about the production of so called traits. So I guess Lebron James' genetics are defective since their recessive in means of athleticism right?
White tigers are white because they have two copies of an extremely rare recessive gene found in Bengal tigers (the gene has never been seen among pure Siberians or other subspecies). A very few white tigers were seen in the wild in the early 20th century. On the face of it, being a white object in the Bengal tigers tropical habitat of India and Southeast Asia cant be good for a predator that needs to be camouflaged.
Other, more subtle problems that go along with the white coat would also prevent white tigers from ever becoming established as a wild population. The mutation (which is not albinismwhite tigers can still produce melanin) also causes serious defects. White tigers in captivity tend to have problems with the way that their brains control their eyes and process visual stimulation. The animals are often cross-eyed in one or both eyes, bump into objects, and have trouble understanding spatial relationships when they are young. Animals with defects like these couldnt survive for long in the wild, even though they have long lives in captivity. Other disorders, such as kidney problems, club feet, and shortened tendons, come from the severe inbreeding required to keep this recessive gene around.
knowledge is power
White tiger controversy: Zoos shouldn’t raise these inbred, ecologically irrelevant animals. - Slate Magazine