Some of y’all are the toxic men you say women should know to stay away from, but you don’t know it, because you get rejected too often. You post like you want the opportunity to smut a woman out, but can’t because you’re not him. Y’all arent waiting to shower a woman with love, and support, and being a loving caring husband, but being rejected because you’re too nice. In fact, I think some of y’all don’t even attempt to talk to women, so you don’t even know you can’t have them.
Most of us, have had women we just used for sex, and others who we thought were worth dating. This is no different. When I was single, I always had a FWB. It was strictly text, talk, chill at the crib, sex. No dates, no gifts. This was understood.
With that said, does this woman seem like wife material? No! No self respecting woman would go on a podcast and speak like this. This is probably why nobody takes her seriously. She’s a hoe. She’s telling you she is. You’re just mad she’s selective about her hoeness, and won’t be a hoe with you. Nobody is entitled to anyone, if she lets him smash for free and not you, that’s her choice. She doesn’t have to let you smash for free.
Ok. Have at me AGAIN for telling you how it is.