Technically FDR in my opinion because once he used the war as an excuse to run for a third and fourth term it was on him. He knew he was dying when he ran the fourth time and replaced his VP. When he died Truman didn’t know about the Manhattan project . FDR gave Hoover unchecked power in the FBI. Truman started the CIA. FDR wanted to get into War World II so bad he was provoking the axis powers while playing both sides. He had American companies stop what they were doing to make weapons with most of the male workforce at war it was a lot of women working these jobs. Women were able to make their own money. When there are people making money they spend money so that fed into the system more. He was also aware of Pearl Harbor. The Second World War was the reason for so much moving forward because every thing became a proxy war against communists down the road the issues in the Middle East.
The president after Truman was almost always going to be Eisenhower regardless of party that even Truman himself offered to be his Vice President (The term limits didn’t apply to Truman) and he only ran as a Republican after being put on so many ballots that he won primaries and to give support to NATO. He was the most down the middle president of the modern era. As a man who was the was the supreme general of the allied forces in Europe you would think he would want to increase war but no. When there was secret coups headed by the FBI and CIA Leading to the Korean War he ended the war quickly by getting a peace treaty with China. In his last address as President he literally said the words military industrial complex.
JFK was only President 1,036 days. He was inaugurated January 20TH 1961 at 1 PM and pronounced dead November 22nd 1963 at 1 PM. We know of two major stories where War was almost guaranteed the Bay of Pigs where Kennedy found out late about the secret plan to plan to bring Cubans to Cuba to get more Cubans to start a revolt that would kill Castro and fly them out while also dropping bombs from above and the other was the Cuban Missile crisis where Russia had nuclear submarine missiles in the Caribbean where if it wasn’t for guys underwater on both sides having amazing temperates we would all be dead. Some people were out in Dallas that day and they would be famous in the next decade at a hotel called Watergate. JFK had a phone that gave him direct access to the leader in Russia. Johnson became president there was another War.
From 1964 to 1970 important leaders like RFK, Malcolm, and Martin were gunned down in suspicious ways that today we don’t have the truth. On the one year anniversary of RFK’s death Ted Kennedy had a party in Chappaquiddikk with people that worked on RFK’s campaign the night ended with a car in a lake with a dead woman.
Before the world knew Nixion had a guy out there giving him information. Doctors said the woman in the car got caught in what was called an air bubble and was able to be saved for about nine hours. No autopsy was done and no exhumation was done either. Nixon won re-election in a landslide and was the first president to visit China the biggest communist country in the world with an increasing population. Same Nixon who almost twenty years earlier had the kitchen debate with Khrushchev. Nixon got us off the gold standard and it changed money overnight if you read old books a big nice meal was like 15 cents today the same meal is a couple hundred.
Ford becomes President because the VP before was in a scandal at the same time Watergate blew up. Jimmy Carter wins but issues out in the Middle East keep popping up. The USA was trying to make a Vietnam War situation for the Soviets with the Muslims by giving them weapons and training. They also fed into generational issues of lands and countries out there. Israel came to be from land that was stolen. A lot of countries came to be from civil wars where they fought people who were the same as them because of the military industrial complex.
Reagan gets a deal done that will release kidnap victims past a deadline against Carter. Reagan had the Iran-contra where they was a cycle of money, weapons, and drugs circulating from Iran to South America up to us putting CRACK into our communities.
Reagan’s VP Bush was a former director of the CIA and rich guy from oil companies. He basically became a third term for Regan. The 1992 election happens Clinton wins this election had a weird third party thing. Clinton had a chance to get Osama. Clinton wins re-election but the sex scandals hide the great work he did like getting rid of the deficit.
The 2000 election was decided on education, the budget, and taxes not foreign policy that would literally blow up the next year putting us in the world we would come to live in. Gore won Florida but it was stolen some how this election was really close. The people vote on the first Tuesday of November after the first Monday on election years but the electoral college votes in December this is the real election. Florida was a state with Bush’s brother as Governor and a campaign manager and family friend as head of a state voting program in Florida. Gore took them to court it went up to the Supreme Court. They tried very hard to not recount votes. 9/11 happens and a lot of the people Bush picked as his team were guys his own father not to associate with because they were blood thirsty. These vampires created multiple vacuums of power in the Middle East.
2004 was another close election where Ohio was stolen. People went to jail.These guys got their start after Nixon was purged out of DC. Obama won twice no need to discuss. Trump wins after losing the popular vote by three million. From FDR a majority of the presidents weren’t elected by the people, elections were too too close, and each side had their own re radicalizations. FDR