Which Type Of Negroes Are Holding Us Back?

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
While I agree that gangstas bring violence to an area, I'm not sure how they "hold us back." They are a very small percentage of our community, so they have very little influence over the lives of the Black majority other than fearing the violence.

"Holding us back" means making us immobile. We cannot move politically, economically, or socially towards a progressive direction. Gangstas in black communities don't do that. Gangstas only exist in Black communities because of politico-economic policies and practices that have destroyed resources and stagnated Black distribution of wealth over the last century. Remember that Black gangs were created solely for the purpose of protecting the community from racists and murderous cops and building institutions.

Today, they have obviously regressed into a problem for the community, I agree; But to suggest that they are the ones holding us back, meaning stagnating and regressing us, is to take attention away from real social forces that can hinder the progress of an entire race. Gangs are not that.

I grew up in the hood on the Westside of Chicago; so that is deep hood. The thugs are not as a small percentage of the community as you believe. They literally shoot up neighborhoods. How are they not holding people back when they make families afraid to go outside in their own neighborhoods? How is that not a problem when their actions run off any decent businesses and families? That whole thug mentality has taken hold of school too, because those clowns have actually tried to convince kids that it is cool being stupid.

I am familiar with the history of gangs in Chicago, but when the actions of gangs have decimated the lives of Black people to the same extent as the Ku Klux Klan; then IMO they are holding Black people back. There isn't some Uncle Tom Black man walking around that is holding back Black people. There isn't some militant Black man holding back Black people. However, there are plenty of ignorant black men holding large groups of Black people back. Sorry but that is just the way that I see it.

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
Nah I can't agree because fme for the most part if you don't dabble in that type of behavior you have nothing to worry about. I also don't like the I'm connected to all blacks stuff. We aren't a monolith. If you do some shyt that's not a representation on me and fukk anybody trying to do that just because we are black. That's sucker stuff I'm not letting them slide with. They don't do that shyt to themselves and compare trailer trash to some Tom Brady white dudes so why should we? I would say that even if they did but with them not doing it that makes it even less likely I'm going for it.

We may not be a monolith, but I consistently hear and see the media and police try to equate every single black man with the use of the word thug. Once the police has you there, then they can do what they want. Sorry, but that is the way that I see it. This would be an excellent topic to have a debate on.


Live Or Let Die
Jun 12, 2012
The Black Community
I grew up in the hood on the Westside of Chicago; so that is deep hood. The thugs are not as a small percentage of the community as you believe. They literally shoot up neighborhoods. How are they not holding people back when they make families afraid to go outside in their own neighborhoods? How is that not a problem when their actions run off any decent businesses and families? That whole thug mentality has taken hold of school too, because those clowns have actually tried to convince kids that it is cool being stupid.

I am familiar with the history of gangs in Chicago, but when the actions of gangs have decimated the lives of Black people to the same extent as the Ku Klux Klan; then IMO they are holding Black people back. There isn't some Uncle Tom Black man walking around that is holding back Black people. There isn't some militant Black man holding back Black people. However, there are plenty of ignorant black men holding large groups of Black people back. Sorry but that is just the way that I see it.
I feel your point; my only addendum is that if we are going to seriously address the gang issues in the community today, we have to address them the right way. What are the gangs' major economic system? How do they operate (regionally, locally, nationally) and how do they move? If we do focus on this (and this would solve the gang issue), we would have to go back to the underlying causes in the political economy (job losses, poverty, housing, reduction of social services, drugs being a business for whites international elites, etc.) Gangs are definitely a problem, but the only way to solve that problem and remove that culture from the area is to remove the reason for the gangs' existence.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
We may not be a monolith, but I consistently hear and see the media and police try to equate every single black man with the use of the word thug. Once the police has you there, then they can do what they want. Sorry, but that is the way that I see it. This would be an excellent topic to have a debate on.
I told you fukk the cops, media, and anybody else on that shyt esp when they don't do it to theirselves. You can get caught up in that if you so choose me I won't at all.

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
I told you fukk the cops, media, and anybody else on that shyt esp when they don't do it to theirselves. You can get caught up in that if you so choose me I won't at all.

Your point is valid, however we live in America. And from I am sitting it looks like the Cops; the Media and a bunch of street/jail nikkas are deciding how Black men like me and you are getting viewed. Those three 3 groups have slowly tried to make bullshyt perception our reality. Those 3 groups have been broadcasting that shyt for so long that they are trying to attribute that shyt to all Black people. Mind you now they sending that shyt all over the World.

Btw, you are absolutely right in your thinking. You are 100% correct. Yes you can live that way and I support your right to live with that mindset; because as Black men we shouldn't have to live with this shyt, however they are trying to label all brothers with that shyt. That is just the latest shyt tried by the White man. He used to send out that we were all lusty. Then he used to send out that we were all stupid. Since all of that shyt has been defeated he is now sending out the criminal angle.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Your point is valid, however we live in America. And from I am sitting it looks like the Cops; the Media and a bunch of street/jail nikkas are deciding how Black men like me and you are getting viewed. Those three 3 groups have slowly tried to make bullshyt perception our reality. Those 3 groups have been broadcasting that shyt for so long that they are trying to attribute that shyt to all Black people. Mind you now they sending that shyt all over the World.

Btw, you are absolutely right in your thinking. You are 100% correct. Yes you can live that way and I support your right to live with that mindset; because as Black men we shouldn't have to live with this shyt, however they are trying to label all brothers with that shyt. That is just the latest shyt tried by the White man. He used to send out that we were all lusty. Then he used to send out that we were all stupid. Since all of that shyt has been defeated he is now sending out the criminal angle.
Man all you can focus on in that regard is yourself and being the best you. I don't control others I'm not famous and or have the type of platform to have that voice. I assume you don't either so you can talk about it all day/night with the coli choir but it ain't going to change a thing. We just have to be the representations of ourselves we can be and hope that people see what we are doing and over time more want to follow us than the other cats. That's how I look at it but I will always believe others can have their viewpoints even if I disagree


Nov 25, 2014
nah...yall are not flipping the abortion issue....

Mexicans are poor in this country....this same country we reside in....where is the 1000 abortions a day from the mexicans

abortion is a moral issue and the we are failing in that department badly....

and the reason that its social acceptable is because when someone calls it out just like i just did you see the reaction

yall cry about cacs and follow their morale standards:francis:
So when are you adopting one of the 100,000 black children currently in foster care?
May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)
The dynamics that cause the domino effect of a teem black girl getting an abortion and that being socially acceptable happened before she could get pregnant so really you are
Attacking the symptoms because you're too weak to address the cause.
Negative, they're riding with the system because they think it benefits them. We need to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Let's be totally honest here, 100% transparent.
These women are ALLOWED to display this type of behavior. It's promoted, they are given platforms to speak on "ISSUES" that affect our community, and you KNOW who is giving them this platform: "THEM PEOPLE". You keep saying, "Address the root and not the symptoms"....Well when the symptom is deeply attached to the root like a starving child at her mother's breast, drinking POISON, and thinking it's healthy. Thinking backhanded compliments like "oh you so strong" is TRUE VALIDATION. It ain't. Letting these fools tear brothas down 24/7 and AGREEING with it. "You know what, them white men right.". At first, MY BROTHA, it was a small segment of the population. I've been noticing this phenomena for years and it just grows and grows and grows. Raising daughters to manipulate and sons to be MANIPULATED. Once again, you're parroting the voices of angry women: "You just weak. You ain't strong enough, huh? You can't HANDLE it?"...You don't handle the minds of GROWN ASS WOMEN, especially a segment in your community that has been "allowed" to run rampant with reckless abandon. "WE MEN WE SUPPOSED TO BE STRONG, THEY JUST GIRLS THEY MISUNDERSTOOD, IT'S THE SYSTEM."
NAH. fukk THAT.
Let me tell you why:
Does that white media hold us accountable for shyt we do...and a gang of shyt we don't do?
How many times has a black man been made the bogeyman, only to discover the brother NEVER EXISTED and a white woman (or black woman) just murdered her goddamn children?
How much do you hear "nikkas ain't shyt. Broke ass nikkas ain't shyt. DEADBEAT nikkas ain't shyt."?
THAT shyt MADE IT'S WAY TO THE WHITE MEDIA...so they can exploit it. Some people can't help but find a convenient scapegoat. US.
How many times has a black woman lost her goddamn mind and bit her son's penis off?
It's happened MORE THAN ONCE...on a military base, for "revenge" on that child's father. That is sick shyt.
What do you know about young underage brothas being scooped up off the street by these loose women so they can get dikk and a babysitter?
That shyt is COMMON.
What do you know about young brothas losing their virginity to grown women when they were young enough to be fukking BABYSAT?
That shyt is COMMON in the HOOD.

So you mean to tell me all of this dysfunction shouldn't be acknowledged on a forum full of black men and we are WEAK for calling that out? I'm going to need more than a fraction of sistas to call other sistas out. Men have made industries on telling women men ain't shyt, how to control men, etc (Steve Harvey and other hypocritical inspirational fukkshyt)....and you have the NERVE to call out a brotha's alleged weakness in the same tone and manner as a neck-rolling puppet of that system.
Did I say ALL? Nope. A VAST majority? Nope...but an alarming number of our women are under that spell.