Days of Future Piff
I’m going with the original films just off of the strength of parts V and VI. Part of what made the saber duels great in the originals wasn’t so much the flips and acrobatics, but the drama between the characters. Darth Maul looks awesome, but the movies never gave us a backstory or any reason to care about why he was fighting the Jedi or why he turned evil. He just existed. Anakin vs Obi Wan is better in this department but they way overboard with the video game stuff. Miss me with those over the top, perfectly choreographed fight scenes that don’t even look like real people going at it. A dope fight scene needs more than just flashy moves, you also need to see the acting between the characters.
Having Yoda fight also messed up his character IMO. The point of Yoda is that he’s there to teach us how there’s more to being a Jedi than just swinging a cool laser sword around. Yoda shouldn’t even need a lightsaber, he should be able to just come out and mindwipe everyone with the force in 2 seconds like Professor X. He’s the zen master.
The Obi Wan vs Vader duel in IV hasn’t aged well (even though it has some classic lines), but I would put the duels in Episodes V and VI over anything from the Prequels.
The Cloud City fight in episode V is by far the best in the series. It had the GOAT drama, the GOAT tension, and the GOAT plot twist.
Luke beating Vader in episode VI, refusing to turn to the dark side, and Vader’s sacrifice was better than anything in the prequels because there was more interesting drama between characters you cared about and their relationships. You had themes of anger, defiance, self sacrifice, temptation, revenge, redemption, etc.
“I am a Jedi, like my father before me.”
Having Yoda fight also messed up his character IMO. The point of Yoda is that he’s there to teach us how there’s more to being a Jedi than just swinging a cool laser sword around. Yoda shouldn’t even need a lightsaber, he should be able to just come out and mindwipe everyone with the force in 2 seconds like Professor X. He’s the zen master.
The Obi Wan vs Vader duel in IV hasn’t aged well (even though it has some classic lines), but I would put the duels in Episodes V and VI over anything from the Prequels.
The Cloud City fight in episode V is by far the best in the series. It had the GOAT drama, the GOAT tension, and the GOAT plot twist.
Luke beating Vader in episode VI, refusing to turn to the dark side, and Vader’s sacrifice was better than anything in the prequels because there was more interesting drama between characters you cared about and their relationships. You had themes of anger, defiance, self sacrifice, temptation, revenge, redemption, etc.
“I am a Jedi, like my father before me.”

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