Return of the Jedi was good filmmaking?
I always thought that pretty much all of the criticisms leveled ar the prequels also count for Jedi, and a lot of them were said about the og Star Wars and Empire.
shytty "faster more intense" acting started with Star Wars. None of the actors took that shyt seriously, Harrison famously told George "you can write this shyt but you can't say it".
A lot of Star Wars was borrowed from The Hidden Fortress, and Empire was criticized for not having a real ending.
I fukking love all those movies (except Episode I), but stop with this "understanding good filmmaking vsbad filmmaking" shyt. If the prequels would've had an alien living in space chasing the heroes George would've caught hell for it. Yet that's right there in Empire. People critized the writing as if "suddenly it feels as if a thousand voices were suddenly silenced " didn't happen.
Anakin was too whiny yet he never reached "but i was going over to Tosche station to pick up some power converters!".
Again i love those movies, but things like these get shyt on in the prequels.