Nope. West African.

Im west african too and shyt would burn my soul if my sister was getting piped down by a cac..luckily shes somewhat militant like me
Nope. West African.
majority of biracials cant pass for white nor black they look like a combination of both races are u retarded? why does it offend if people want to acknowledge both parents? if an asian and black person have a child how is the child just black.???? the child would be biracial. a biracial person can identify as biracial while still embracing both cultures. and i really wish black americans would stop acting like most black americans look like alicia keys, jasmine guy, and drake when u know yall dont. like cut it out ur making ur self seem desperate.
u missed my point,at one time biracials could and did try to pass for white and denied they were black and got called c00ns for it.times have changed and you are allowed to claim biracial if you want to but ive seen you do nothing but act like you and other biracials are some other species and talk down on black folks in this thread...I don't appreciate when colorstruck blacks do it or when you do it... And I said a white parent and a Asian parent,they are also biracial dummy,so if every person who is mixed with two races falls in the biracial category yall are all in one big "other" pot...and I cant believe sumbody would rather be in some "other" category than be considered black when they look black....but do you,Obama is considered the first black president by just about every damn body,and not the first biracial with that shyt
And looking biracial don't mean you biracial,i cant help people who thinking that....those people who get mistaken say "im black" if they get asked and the world keeps moving...if people wanna identify as "biracial" go right ahead....I hope you become president so you can get called the first black woman president and then you try to correct America with "im biracial" and swiftly get the
...j/p I don't hope u become president
I see more darkskin women with white men then i see mixed or lightskin women.
well actually black and white mixes do have a name for ourselves it called mulatto. before jim crow we were actually our own racial group hopefully it goes back to that.
majority of biracials cant pass for white nor black they look like a combination of both races are u retarded? why does it offend if people want to acknowledge both parents? if an asian and black person have a child how is the child just black.???? the child would be biracial. a biracial person can identify as biracial while still embracing both cultures. and i really wish black americans would stop acting like most black americans look like alicia keys, jasmine guy, and drake when u know yall dont. like cut it out ur making ur self seem desperate.
A black person that was lightskin could have
You do know a person can get most of their physical features from one parent right?
that rarely happens thought. most mixed people fall in the middle of each parent.
that rarely happens thought. most mixed people fall in the middle of each parent.
I'm not sure what the point of this current discussion is? Like are biracial people trying to claim some superiority or what?
I don't consider your asses black and never will. We need to stop accepting just anybody into our race anyway.
in my personal experience its usually these Caribbean's with that bullsh!t, thats why i asked.
Im west african too and shyt would burn my soul if my sister was getting piped down by a cac..luckily shes somewhat militant like me
What's up with all the Jamaican hate?
My dad married two black women.