Lv 100 Bold natured
i'll look into it
i figured protein is so fukkin cheap to make, that it's not even worth scamming. you have a link to this? this is the other one i buy
Here's the original reddit thread that sparked the discussion. It's not as bad as I remember but you're probably actually only getting like 50-60% of the stated protein on the packaging for 6 star.
Body fortress on the other hand was like 40%
American pure whey was the trash one that had 11% protein
There's some studies too showing that the protein powders have some exposure to heavy metals as well let me see if I can find them again.
Studies for heavy metals
New Study of Protein Powders from Clean Label Project Finds Elevated Levels of Heavy Metals and BPA in 53 Leading Brands - Clean Label Project
Clean Label Projcet study tests the leading Protein Powders and find that many have elevated levels of heavy metals

The hidden dangers of protein powders - Harvard Health
They may contain added sugar, calories, or even toxic chemicals. Image: © jirkaejc/Getty Images Adding protein powder to a glass of milk or a smoothie may seem like a simple way ...

Don't cheap out on protein powder brehs
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