American black men are the main reason for why the black family structure as well as the black community as a whole is in such dire traits.Arrested development along with no understanding of personal accountability, and immediate gratification are the reasons for the conditions you see today in the black community.
In actuality,fathers determines the status of the family by his actions which will dictate whether the family experiences the traditional stable home environment or the struggle.
Unlike our forefathers, black American men have become complacent in a white supremacist country simply because the freedoms in this country makes it so that these men can remain in a habitual state of irresponsibility, recklessness,and the I don't give a fukk attitude.
These men do not have the mental capacity to understand that they are in a first-world country where most of the worlds decisions are made which should be a motivation for them to realize that the sky is the limit even though white supremacy it is a huge obstacle.
Meanwhile, Pookie's doing another drive-by down the street killing another black man.
A police officer pulls up, laughs.....than says to his partner" do black lives really matter to these animals or is it a front?"
American black men are a joke to anybody who goes by logic.
We kill one another on a routine basis like a sport in most major cities then suddenly get mad when the police do it.
Respect doesn't work that way dummies.
Either you get respect by force or by loving your own people and self.
But we're talking about American black men who have been colonized.
The key word is colonized.
A colonized peoples brain thinks differently than a person who comes from non colonized status.
Colonize people exhibit certain behavior patterns that white folks have studied for many centuries and black Americans continue to perpetuate these patterns without any desire to counter or change them.
If American black men are being harassed or abused by police then there should be more black lawyers, if black men are being discriminated against in the workforce, then there should be more black business owners.
These are the actions that real men take when they realize the institutional racism in the country they reside in,nonetheless, the black American male will whine, complain and try to show that whites are racist.
The world already knows that dummies.
American black fathers have dropped the ball big time,however, black mothers in America have also picked the worst type of men to reproduce with.This has caused these women to be single mothers in most circumstances.
Indeed,the woman follows the man, but I refuse to believe that the majority of American Blank men are irresponsible deadbeat sociopaths who can just walk out on their children.
I think it's more so that these mothers are picking/sharing irresponsible men to have children with without any concern about the man's character. As a result, these mothers find out after having the kid that the father really never had any intentions of being with her she was just a quickie but decided to have the kid.
Keep in mind the mother pick a sociopathic selfish loser who sang his pants and has really no goals in life.
So the American black communities is fukked up mainly because a good portion of us tried to live out the Hip Hop life that they see on MTV videos without understanding that reality is not the way you can maintain a sustainable future.